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Beep beep beep... Beep beep beep

A groan emitted from underneath the covers of the warm bed, blue light fell softly through the curtians, tinting the room. Yuuri outstretched his hand and turned off the alarm clock. "Mmgh... Dumb clock, what time is it?" He inquired as he poked his head out from under the cover. "6 AM..." A shiver sent down his spine as he felt cold air hit his back. He turned around and searched the other side of the bed for his fiance, unable to find his sleeping form he cocked his head to the Side curiously. "Where is he?" he mumbled to himself as he swung his legs off the bed, immeadetly pulling back once he heard a yelp. He fumbled around for his glasses on the bedside table and turned on the lamp, he looked down to find their dog, Makkachin laying on his side of the bed on the floor. "Aw, Makkachin im sorry..." He carefully got out of bed and leaned down next to her, giving her a few strokes ontop of her head, she gave an appreciative lick and he smiled. "Have you seen Victor Makka?" Yuuri felt his face heat up a bit as he heard his lovers name fall from his mouth, his head now filling with images from his memories of Victor, both from long ago and recent. The dog wagged its tail and stood up, walking over to the bedroom door and scratching at it, Makachin had tendancy to try to steal food from off the counters or from inside the cabinets so they would lock her in with them while they slept, to ensure she wouldnt eat something she wasnt supposed to. The Japanese man walked over and opened the door, watching her rush downstairs to the living area, he quickly went to use the bathroom before he headed downstairs. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around, still no sign of Victor, he sighed and looked around a bit more before he headed to the fridge. He opened it with a gasp as he saw a tray of brownies, sitting on a plate. "Yes theyre still in here~" He smiled as he took the plate out of the fridge and set it on the island counter. He lifted the plastic cover to discover a note on the inside, he picked it up and it read:


I went on a very early morning run and to the store to pick up some things that we needed, I already took Makkachin out but she may need to go again I will be back by 6

I love youuu Yuuri! Oh and these brownies, they are not for you, do not eat them as tempting as they are little piggy~ i counted so dont think i wont know if you eat one.

See you soon my love ❤

Yuuri froze. He had already eaten two brownies, he chuckled awkwardly as he put the note back and covered the plate again, he turned it around and stuck it back in the fridge. He looked at the clock again and frowned a bit before walking over to the large window and drawing the curtains, he noticed it was raining a bit. His gaze travelled over to Makkachin who was scratching at the door, he nodded a bit and walked over, putting on his jacket and scarf and grabbing the dogs leash. After she was hooked up they were out the door, he stood outside in the rain as Makkachin searched for a place to go, he heard footsteps walking towards him as he turned around he grinned as he saw his fiance rushing towards him. Moments later he was englufed in a hug and burried in Victors chest. "Yuuri!~ I missed you, Im sorry im late back home but I had to go to a different store to find something else." He planted a kiss to Yuuris forehead and then to his cheek and finally his lips, Victor paused a bit as he kept their lips trapped together then he pulled away. "Here, why dont you run these bags in and ill wait for her to go?", He said as he took the dogs leash and handed Yuuri the bags. Yuuri simply nodded as he took the bags upstairs and put the groceries away, strategically hiding the dirty work he had done earlier with the brownies. A few minutes passed and Victor walked through the door, the two men locked eyes and smiled as they walked toward eachother with outstretched arms for a hug. They stayed embracing for a few minutes before finally talking. "I missed you." Stated Yuuri, he set his head on Victors shoulder with a content sigh. "I missed you too, Yuuri my love~" Victor drew out his words sweetly as he played with the younger mans soft raven hair, He smiled as he leaned his head onto the others, holding him around his waist and back. "It was really cold when I woke up and you werent there cuddling me." , "Was it? Im sorry darling, I didnt want to move either..." a small chuckle left the Russian man. "You however... You spring into action quite easily dont you?", His hand wandered to Yuuris butt which received a light pinch. A cute yelp left the Japanese mans mouth as he lept away. "Victor!", his face was red and he walked over to the couch, sitting down making himself comfortable. Victor followed and soon they were together on the couch, with the tv on for background noise, snuggling and very much in love, obvious to anyone with working eyes.

After a bit of comfortable silence Victor spoke once again. "Yuuri~ have I ever told you how absolutely adorable you are?" He turned his head to his blushing lover. "Yes actually, every day. I could breathe and you'd call me cute." Yuuri said matter of factly. "Hmm..." Victor reached over and lifted his chin gently, holding his chin up with his middle finger with his thumb and index finger gently squishing his cheeks. "Yuuri... Why dont you kiss me again, but for longer this time, I didnt get a good taste earlier." He raised an eyebrow and Yuuri nodded. Their lips met once again, Victor turned to face the other more forwardly, after a bit he pushed him back gently, feeling the other man relax underneath him. He pulled away with a soft hum and Yuuri opened his eyes with a soft blush dusting his cheeks. "Hmm...~ Yuuri darling, tell me... Do you really think you can hide your diet cheating from me?" His tone grew cold and his expression formed into an accusatory one. Yuuris face was now white, realizing hed been caught he stammered trying to find his excuse, after he couldnt he simply pouted. "How did you know?", Victor chuckled and shook his head, lifting his chin once again, now looking at him with an expression that sent chills up Yuuris spine. "These past few weeks when I kiss you in the morning I notice you had something to eat, often before breakfast... So I decided to make some brownies and see if you would eat them despite instruction not to... How bratty~" He chirped and ran his thumb over Yuuris lip. Yuuris lip quivered and he blushed even more furiously, He gulped and looked away, silently cursing himself. "How many was it?" , "Two..." , "How many weeks exactly have you been doing this, little piggy?" Victor teasingly poked the others stomach, earning an embarassed squeak from him. "T- Two..." , "I see... Well, theres only one thing we can do now Yuuri~ We need to work off all that extra weight Da?" Victors mouth twisted into a small smirk, He sat up and pulled Yuuri with him. Yuuri began to get the hint but he stayed quiet, giving a small curious look. "I think I know just the place for that, theres really only one place suitable for such disobedient students..." His eyes wandered to the bedroom door and then he returned his gaze back to the once again, tomato red skater. Yuuri gave him a quick nod before getting up and practically running to the bedroom, before he could pull his shirt off Victor put a hand to his stomach. He paused and looked up at him.

"You get to watch me eat those brownies later, Ok piggy?~" He teased and heard Yuuri whine. He kissed his cheek and they continued with what they were doing, joining together for a spectacular morning "workout".

(Whoo ok so that one is quite a bit longer than the last two, But i thought this was my best so far so I decided to post it, Im quite proud of how this turned out, Im sure i gave some of you a heart attack with the title but thats just the way good ol click bait works

Loosely based off my own experience, except im single. And not engaged to a Russian hottie. And instead of eatting just two brownies id eat the whole thing sooo yea 😂, anyways I hope you enjoyed! 💙❄)

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