Stay Close To Me

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"Try to relax Yuuri, you're tense and its causing you to miss your jumps."

Victor crossed his arms for the 800th time that day, he sighed and skated over to the Japanese man in the center. "Yuuri." He repeated and their eyes finally met... He frowned a bit and turned away. "Victor can I please take a break?" his tone was sad and he looked incredibly tired, he had been practicing for hours, missing jumps all over the place. Victor noticed his odd behaviour and nodded, gently rubbing the small of his back. "Go right ahead, you deserve a break for now. Take a few minutes to relax ok?" He turned Yuuris face to him gently, rubbing his cheek softly, he then let him go and watched as he skated off the ice.

Victor stood in the center of the ice, relaxing a bit as he began to move around the rink with grace. He hummed his program music to himself as he continued, attempting a few jumps to check the quality of the ice, and to admittedly impress Yuuri. He concluded the ice was fine and continued with his program until it ended, he instinctively took a bow and was met by the sound of clapping and cheering. The sound pulled him out of his trance and he looked up to see a now smiling Yuuri watching from behind the wall. He smiled and skated over and looked at the raven haired beauty... God he loved seeing him smile.

"That was perfect Victor!" , "Of course it was."  he replied with a joking tone to his voice. Yuuri blushed and cleared his throat as Victor smiled his charming smile at him... "That was always my favorite program of yours... Its so... You." His gaze shyly went to the handsome man in front of him, he seemed flattered and embarassed at the same time. "That is how I feel when you skate to Eros~ Here, come here." Victor stretched out his hand for Yuri to take and he happily obliged, they skated backwards together for a minute giggling like school girls. They stopped in the center and Victor turned to Yuuri with a softer look... "Ever tried pair skating?" The younger man gasped a bit but shook his head. "O-of course not... There would be nobody here to train with so I never really did it..."

The two looked at eachother for a while before Victor pulled away a little bit, holding only one of his hands now, both of them immeadietly missing the warmth. "Follow my lead Yuuri... How about instead of showing me your Eros... This time, I want you to show me your Agape." The Russian man pulled the other closer, causing him to spin, gently starting his routine again, instead this time with Yuuri beside him. Close to him. Victor was impressed, captivated, marveled, speechless at the others knack for rythym and following directions to keep up with him. They finished the routine, hand in hand once again, both panting and sweaty messes, they looked at eachother... The electricity coursed through them as they laughed and hugged... After a bit the laughing died down and they pulled away once again, Victor had his arm around Yuuris waist and he looked down... For the first time in a long time he felt truly close to Yuuri... He leaned forward ever so slightly, craving to kiss the man trapped in his arms but he controlled himself. He pulled back again and smiled. "Perfect Yuuri~ Absolutely perfect... Now." he clapped his hands together as he skated off to the side. "A triple lutz, go."

Yuuri groaned but listened anyway, his mind was racing with a million things going in and out... But one thing was for certain, he really really wanted to do that again... And he wanted to be close to Victor.

(This one was quick but i thought it might be cute enough to upload. I like constructive criticism and i find it useful as i want to get better at writing...
I hope you enjoyed! 💙❄)

Yuri!!! On Ice Oneshots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant