Best Dad (Platonic Moxiety)

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Patton's PoV

I was walking down the hall when I heard it. The sobs and heavy breathing. I turned to my right see Virgil's door to his bedroom. Inside, I knew all too well it was Virgil having a panic attack. I had no idea how long he's been in that state, but I wasn't going to let it go on any longer. I took a deep breath and opened door, revealing a dark room with a shaky Virgil rocking back and forth on the bedroom floor. I quickly ran up to him, not giving him a hug immediately. I had learned my lesson.

Last time this happened, I went to give him a hug, but he pushed me away, not wanting to be touched. So, instead, I sat next to him and whispered comforting things.

"Hey kiddo, you're going to be alright. I know that things can be scary, but you just have to remember to breath and take it slow. We are all here fo—" before I knew it, I was pulled into a hug. I looked down seeing Virgil gripping my shirt, crying into my shoulder. I smiled a little at the fact that he actually pulled me into a hug, then I hugged him back.

"T-thanks....for b-being here.......Patton." Virgil quietly said once his cries died down.

"Glad to be here Kiddo."

"You're the b-best Dad."

Here's a short story to start this off. I'm always accepting requests for whatever concepts of ideas you have! Fill free to share what you think and any request


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