3 ; "I have limits. I'm not pushing them just to lose you."

Start from the beginning

"Don't." He warned. "I'm not confident in my control around you, Jennie. I don't intend on pushing it."

I blinked at him. His words... showed care for me? But his actions and his expression seemed merciless and vicious. I could only stare at him and try and read what he was thinking. What he really wanted because I know I can never ask him.

But why do I feel like there's something important here that I'm missing? Like, I'm not just his toy but a piece of him he wants to create.

"You like honey." I mumbled softly.


"I'm bitter." He choked out, his veins popping from his arms as he straddled over me. "I need sweetness for balance, Jennie."

Why do I feel jealous.. angry that I could not have been the first one for his so called balance?

I looked away, torn from my question to myself. I wanted to ask how many other's he's used. I shouldn't have hopes at all. He's using me, bottom line. But of everything, I have a small hope that I am his first and last.

"Kiss me."

His eyes darkened at my words.

"Jennie." He voiced at me, low and gentle, as both a threat and a warning. "Don't."

"You want to taste honey, you said. You need sweetness." I lifted myself up though my voice was just as gentle as his. My heart raced against my chest when I grabbed his shirt. "I won't take control like you asked and I'm not breaking any rules. It's not a question- not a demand. But a mere statement. I want you to kiss me so I can prove to you I'm not as sweet as you think I am."

His eyes glossed lighter at my tone but never passed what he looked like when he was out of control. Like the moment he confronted in my apartment or last night. This was different.

I realized now that he never did scare me. I was more scared of what was going to happen to me. Never him. I was being selfish. But now I know he's keeping me alive and somehow someway, I'm keeping him alive.

"I'm not confident in my control." He mumbled as I leaned up boldly.

"I never said anything about you controlling. I just said I want you to kiss me."

"I could hurt you more than I have already." He grumbled pained and strained, more than ever.

"If you won't, I will."

He leaned in, only enough for our lips to brush. And hell, I've never felt this torn between lust and love.

He's like an angel stuck in a demon body.

I can't fight that.

I pressed my lips against his only for him to pull back and vanish from where he was. I opened my eyes to see him shakily grabbing a cigarette from the table. As if that was his only outlet for his control.

"Don't use cigarettes to control around me, Yoongi." I used his name for the first time. Hearing it from my lips, his head snapped in my direction with wide eyes. My lips trembled and I curled my fingers around the bed sheet. "I'd rather have you not control than smoke those. It's vile."

"I'm vile."

"Then don't make it worse." I whispered now standing. "I was the one who kissed you and I broke a rule. You warned me but I disobeyed."

He groaned out loud and threw his entire pack of cigarettes across the room, his throbbing and paled hands shook violently as he tugged at his hair.


"Get. Out."

"Yoongi?" I sat up more only for him to release some kind of dark force, it looked like a shadow. A dark figure escaping his own body, grasping hold of me and throwing me to the door.

dark possession ❥ YOONNIE (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now