One Year Ago

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"If a story is in you,it has to come out" -William Faulkner

Please Read

Guys I'm late.I should've posted this a month ago but it completely slipped my mind.

A bout year ago,some time in December 2016,I had this vision of making a book that was about Z Nation and creating my own character to go along with the show.And for weeks I had this idea stuck in my head,and when I get a feeling I have to act on it

So some time in January 2017 I made that thought into a reality and said "Fuck it I'm gonna write a series and I'm gonna finish it"

So with that thought in mind I set out to make a cover for my story,looking on Pinterest,We heart It,even Tumblr for my cover.And once I had the layout for my cover I already knew the title of my book 'A Zombies Bite' & after that title of the two others that are now out immediately made sense to me

And I just wanna say Thank You.A year ago this thought was just buzzing in my head and I knew I had to act on it,so thank you for reading my story,thank you for liking,thank you for commenting,thank you for voting,thank you for everything you've done to help me keep writing this story

Sarah was just a figment of my imagination and not only because of me,but more importantly because of you,you guys turned Sarah into what seems like a real character.And I know most of you love her and the story plot so thank you

It's been a year since 'A Zombies Bite' came out,and it all feels so unreal

So thank you


A Zombies Love (Z Nation 10k Fan Fic/Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now