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I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't remember..

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Water dripped down from the ceiling on to the floor. The dripping, plus my ragged breathing were the only sounds in my dark, cramped cell.

I wish I could have found comfort in the dripping that occurred, but my mind was in a frenzy.

I couldn't remember anything; not my name, not my age, not my family or friends of I had any. Nothing. I only know what my number is.

Patient 231. That's the number I was given upon waking up from a dream filled with dark images and familiar looking faces. Patient 231 is what I am referred to; and that's what my name is for now.

There are other people here. People who are like me, and some who aren't. Those who aren't like me remember. So they take care of us that don't. There are doctors here too. They say they're studying us. They tell us we're studying you to help recover our forgotten memories.

There are those like me who believe they are lying. They say the doctors are the reason we don't have our memories.

I don't know what to believe.

My head is swimming with confusion and doubt. Fear and anxiety have a tight grip on my chest and won't let go. I wanted to remember who I was.  I want to remember what all these dark shapes mean.

I want to remember the name.

The name that goes with those chestnut colored eyes that haunt me in my sleep....

Welcome to my newest story: Forget Memories!

I hope you all will enjoy this Merome story and I thank you for reading!

Love you all and thanks for your support!

I appreciate fanart! Please send me some!

Anyway thank you guys for reading!


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