"The only thing I want from you if your love and support." Jack smiled. I kissed Jack as everyone in the restaurant looked at us. "Morning Love Birds." A voice said.
I turned around to see Nano. "Nano!" I smiled. I slipped out of Jack's grasp and hugged Nano. "Just like that I stole your girl." He laughed.

"You smell like coffee, put me down." I Said.

"Do you not like coffee?" He asked.

"I'm like deathly allergic to coffee honey." I giggled.

"Well we're going to go straight to the field so do you have everything? We have water and shit so don't worry." Nano Said opening the door for me. We walked to his car and waited for him to unlock it. "I got cleats and everything, I haven't played football in a long time." I Said.

I got in the front seat next to Nano and looked at his car. "Fuck." I smiled. "I'm going to actually steal your car." I giggled.

Nano laughed and started to drive Off. "I've had this car for like a year so let's not take it." He smiled. "We have to go pick up Kelsey." Nano Said.

"No, no. You're kidding." Jack said.

"Shit, what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"I had sex with her after I broke up with Andrea." He groaned.

"Mhmm, interesting." I mumbled.
I put my earbuds In and played my music ignoring the guys in the car.
"Take me home, I need more sleep." I Said.

"Okay Jones." Nano Said


When I'm home alone I get the weirdest thoughts and I normally grab my camera and record a video. I scrolled through my comments of the picture I posted with my family. One caught my eye because it was from one of Jack's friends. "Chloe you look like a slut." It read. I looked at my self in the photo and I looked fine, maybe it was my pose I was in with one leg on the chair and the other on the ground. Her name was Kelsey she had 11.2 k followers and her content isn't that good. I quickly remembered that Kelsey was the girl that was with Jack and Nano today. I took a screenshot and sent it to Jack. I waited for him to read it to open the message till it said 'read' Jack called me and I instantly picked up. "Keep calm, Just think about something else to take your mind off it. "Play nice for me." He Said.
"Dude she called me a slut." I groaned.

Jack breathed out and thought of what to say. "Well you're not, you're mine and I'd know if you were like that or not. What I do know is we both want the same thing from each other but we've been busy." He Said in my ear. "I wants all the kisses in the world when I get him."
"Okay." I smiled.
Jack let out a pleased moan leaving shivers down my back.
"Just thinking of the way I slide myself right into y-."

"Alright baby, I'll see you soon." I cut him off.

Jack hung up and I was left with a big smile on my face.


I waited for Jack to come home to I could surprise him with myself. I've done a lot today, I clean the house a little, gave Bella a bath finished a movie jack didn't like when we were watching it. I even FaceTimed Awsten and talked about everything that's been going on. I found myself listening to 'something's gotta Give' by the boys. It's became a bad hobby of mine to smoke in the house even if I was using my Juul. I got a hold of Jack's acoustic guitar and tuned it. I played a few cords and smiled and what I started. I sat on the ground and propped my camera on a self near by. I pressed record and started to play the cords to 90210
By black bear.

I thought of the way he normally starts off this song when Jenna and I saw him live. "If you think about fuckin, then baby you should, maybe you should, you might be white but you fuck like a hood...fuck like a hood, you're secretly Italian I mean you fuck like a stallion. All the other dudes in the band got sma-. Well we measured them all last week. He asked me what the fuck are you telling for you're screaming out your lungs all day and night. He can't control a girl like me." I sung. I got about halfway through the song till Jack walked through the doors. I turned my attention to him and smiled. His wet hair that dripped from his face to the ground. "Hey there beautiful." He smiled. My stomach flipped as he walked over to me. I shut the camera off and put Jack's guitar back in its case. Jack played with my hair and tightly gripped a chunk of it. "Hi Daddy." I smiled.
I stood up and pressed a kiss to his chest. Jack's hand pressed against my back kissing my lips. He broke our kiss with a smile. "No bra?" He asked.

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