Save Me

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We never run out of things to do after that. It is always just... us having fun.

Pubs, clothes, cars... That's all our life had become. Our feet never touched the ground after we found the stash. It was pretty obvious that all three of us were having this much excitement after quite some time. That was definitely the case for me. We never stand in one place for too long. We party, get drunk, sleep and repeat all of it again. Somehow, all three of us got closer over the course of time. It has become normal to us to stick together. I feel safe with them. I know danger isn't gonna leave us alone anytime soon. I understand that but, I wasn't alone anymore. That means something to me.

They mean something to me now.

But after a few months, it was as is someone wanted to remind me of my past again. No matter how much I try and run away from it... I'm lying to myself. I kept going back to it myself. It was just... meant to happen. We found a room to stay in for a while. We've stayed there for a few days or so. Everything was going the same, until two guys showed up near the building. The three of us were going out to grab a few drinks in the nearby bar and suddenly, my name caught my attention. I knew it was a man's voice and I wasn't exactly too keen on hearing someone calling me out. 9 out of 10 times, it only means trouble. The smile I had on my face disappeared as I turned around to look at the person calling me. As I did so, I could two men walking towards as, stopping right in front of us. They didn't look like thugs or the s**t bags I usually encountered. That made me even more suspicious. I had recently gotten a warning for fighting in a pub, but I didn't know these people.

But I could tell that they weren't the same as us.

I looked at them from top to bottom, trying to figure out something before they started speaking. One of them was shorter than me and the other man was a bit taller and rather well built. Then the shorter guy finally spoke... and his words left me speechless for a few seconds. I remember he asked "You know Shinwon right?" and it was as if I was having a hard time breathing suddenly. That name... There was that name again. I could see he was about to continue, but I couldn't let him. But I was punishing myself every time I was opening my mouth. "That piece of s**t? Why, he's still crying because his hyung doesn't love him anymore?"... that's what I said... smiling.

With each word, I kept saying to myself "You son of a b**ch".

My mouth felt bitter. It was as if I was about to throw up. But my mind kept telling me, it was the right thing to do and yet, it felt wrong beyond reason. Shinwonnie... he didn't deserve this. He is the one person who never deserved to be treated like this, even behind his back. I could see the guy speaking was almost ready to start a fight. I don't care to understand people anymore but... I knew his actions were valid. It became clear to me that he cared for Shinwon. That was the right moment to get out of there. I continued saying, "Tell him to f**k off would you?", that same bitter taste coming to my mouth once again. I didn't mean a word I said back then, not a single word... but there was no way I was letting them know that. The smile was still on my face, until the three of us left them behind. Hyojong and Hyuna kept quiet throughout the entire thing but I knew questions were gonna be asked as soon as we left those two. Hyuna asked, "Who were they? And what was his name... Shi-- ah, Shinwon right?" and I stopped walking. The two of them kept looking at me with a curious expression, but I wanted to be alone. "You guys go ahead without me. Ill meet you two back at the apartment", I said as I immediately turned to walk towards the other lane. I could hear them call after me, but I was in no mood to stop. After that, I called eomeoni again from a booth, to ask how he was doing. He was well... and that's all that mattered.

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