Mom: "Don't ever leave without telling me first." She gave him lots of kisses.

Tae pinched his eyes shut~ "Mom...I'm not a baby anymore. You don't have to treat me like one."

Mom: "I'm sorry. I just worry about you so much." She smoothing his hair out.

Tae: "Well...thanks. So, how was your night?" He honestly didn't really care to hear about her date, but he wanted to get the focus off of him.

Mom: "It was nice. There is actually something I want to tell you."

She lead Taehyung over to the couch and sat him down. Tae looked at her and asked~ "What is it...? Do I even want to know?"

Mom: "You probably don't want to know, but you need to know." She placed her hand on his knee ~"I want you to meet my boyfriend and his son tomorrow."

Taehyung did not hear Jungkook's and his dad conversation when he was in the closet. So he was not able to put two and two together~

Tae: "What?? He has a son?! I don't even want to meet him let alone his son! Why didn't you tell me this?"

Mom: "Because of this...I knew your reaction would not be good. I would have told you sooner, but it was just a spur of moment decision.

Tae: "At least tell me what the son is like."

Mom: "I have not met him yet. We will all be meeting each other tomorrow."

Tae: "Well isn't this great.." He stood up.

Mom: "Don't be mad Taehyung. You were going to meet them one day anyways. If you are worried about being unprepared for meeting them, just be yourself...actually maybe be a teeny bit nicer."

Tae: "I'll meet them , but I'm not promising I'll like them."

Mom: "That's all I ask." She gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Tae: "I'm going to bed.." Taehyung wipe his forehead off and headed upstairs.

His mom call out~ "I love you!" Taehyung was angry with her, but he could not resist saying it back. So he said it in an irritated away~ "Love you too.." He walked to his room huffy and shut the door.
JM: " had your first kiss before me? Dangit.."

JK: "Sorry.." He patted Jimin's shoulder. "Technically my first kiss I didn't kiss back though."

The two looked over when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Jungkook gasped and pushed Jimin off the side of the bed. Jungkook let out a couple coughs masking the sound of the thud and the grunt from Jimin.

The door opened, it was his dad~ "Who are you talking to Jungkook...?"

JK: "Huh? Me? Talking..? Nope you must have been hearing things." He laughed nervously.

His dad gave him a suspicious look then shrug it off~ "Well anyways, make sure and have your nice clothes ready for tomorrow. I want you to make a good impression."

JK: "I will dad. Night!" He waved.

His dad raised his eyebrow and closed the bedroom door. Jungkook crawled over to the side of the bed where he pushed Jimin off. He peeked over the side.

Jimin laid there rubbing his head~ "Thanks a lot."


Jimin snuck out early so he could get home before his mom woke up. Jungkook got ready for school and spoke with his dad a little bit while he waited for Jimin's mom to pick him up~

JK: "So...are you going to tell me anything at all before I meet her today??"

Dad: "Nope. You're just going to have to wait and see."

Love a Bully ᯽ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now