I took mom's journal, went back into the room and I put the bed as it was before. I put the journal in the closet, and I poured myself a glass of wine, to get some courage. I found out in one night things that I haven't known all my life. I was sure that my sister, Crista, who wasn't my sister, had no idea about this. I was shaking, and I couldn't hold back my rage. Why did my parents lie to me?

In all this madness, I remembered the Smith brothers and how they were whispering on my porch. All I needed was a glass of wine, and I decided to go and confront them. I needed to turn my bad energy on someone, so I started walking to their house. I was so angry, and I took the bottle of wine with me. Of course, I forgot my phone home. It was for the better. I was sure that if I had it with me, it would have ended up broken or lost.

When I got in front of their house, I saw only Andy's car. I climbed the stairs not very graceful, and I started banging with my fists in the door. It was two in the night. Andy was probably sleeping, but I couldn't care less about his beauty's sleep.

"Andy, open the damn door!" I shouted banging harder.

Finally, I saw a shape on the window. The door opened, and Andy was standing there, half naked, wearing just some shorts.

"What happened to you? What are you doing out at this hour?"

"Leaving aside the fact that I had just found out that I am adopted, I have a sister who I never met, and my parents lied to me all my life? Or that you and Stefan are lying about everything on my porch? Or besides the fact that after that argument you two had there, you never bothered to give a sign? I get it, ok? You have secrets! But you should've left us alone! Stop confusing us with your lies! You should have been honest! Damn it! When I'm thinking about the fact that I started to like you!"

"What? What are you talking about?" asks Andy visible shocked and off guard.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! Stefan is lying to my sister, and you... well, I don't know what do you want from me, but you came exactly in time that night with Sebastian! And all the murders? They all started when you came to this town. And who is that "she" that you are so afraid that followed you? I heard all of it, Andy!"

"Look... let me explain..."

But he couldn't manage to end his sentence because we saw a lot of firetrucks outside. We got out to see what was happening, but I was shocked when I saw the fire coming from my house."

"Oh, no!" I screamed and started running there.

"Wait! Jo!" yells Andy.

When he saw that I had no intention to stop, he makes the decision to run after me barefooted and half naked. He stopped me from running.

"Halt the fire ! "

"They're going to stop it, Jo!" he says.

"It is not possible! Too many bad things in one night!" I say among the hiccups.

Deby and Crista came there too, alerted by the neighbors, and after a while, George showed up. Finally, Stefan appeared as well. I didn't know what to think anymore. The firefighters managed to stop the fire. I found out from them that it has burned only the part of the house where was my parent's room, with the secret basement and a part of the first floor.

"You can repair it" says one firefighter to me.

I was going to punch him in the face when I heard that, but I realized soon that I was only getting myself into more trouble, so I calmed down. I crushed into my knees, and I started to cry.

"Jo, are you ok?" asks George.

"How did you get out?" asks Deby.

"Where were you when it started?" I hear Crista.

Traveler - The Runaway (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now