What the fuck am I?

Was I just a little puppy thrown in the middle, unwanted? Why the hell did they even bother? Why didn't they just leave me on the streets or even have an abortion? 

I sniffed my nose stuffed and red that I couldn't breathe normally. All those times, from the time when I was only six years old, I've always been left alone. I thought all kids were like that but I was proven wrong when I went to my friends house, parents always greeting them 'Good afternoon' with dinner.

Here I was always eating microwaved food and take out, I was hopeless at cooking no matter how much I tried. I was always at home in the dark at night, waiting for someone to read to me but no one ever came. 

It was a surprise no one has never noticed that a kid was always left alone but It's not like it's back in the day, people hardly ever care about anything but themselves.

"You liars! You fucking liars!" I screamed crying in the middle of the carpeted floor, pulling my hair in despair.

"You said it was something for my birthday, you said you guys always have work, you said you loved me, you said I'll never be alone, you said I was your only child" I cried out, the breath kicked from my lungs at my yelling.

"I hate you both, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I pounded the carpet, kicking and screaming with a snot filled nose - having a tantrum like a two year old.

"I want someone, I'm lonely .... I'm always lonely" I whispered quietly my voice barely audible.

"Someone hold me... p-please, Ryder" I was shedding so much tears that the room I was in blurred before me and before I knew it, I had cried myself to sleep on the floor.


When I woke up, I heard voices which was beyond weird I hadn't invited or had anyone over today. My head pounded with the slightest movement I made and with that everything came back to me.

"Anthony, think about this ..." I heard Alex voice say but he was caught off by Mitch? "No I'm not fucking waiting it out, we're telling him now before it hurts. Ryder is the biggest little shit ever, I wish I was there to pound his face into he next continent" His voice deadly and far from angry than I've ever heard him before.

"I know b-" Alex began again but was interrupted by Anthony this time. "He keeps cheating on poor Tris, I can't stand it. He fucked over ten girls yet he isn't feeling anything. I actually thought he liked Tristan but I guess I was proven wrong" and when I heard those words, I couldn't say anything. My voice was gone, my legs felt numb as I noticed that I was in my bed, my arms felt heavy and I couldn't even move it - not even an inch. 

What was this painful feeling in every part of my body?

I smiled helplessly and looked up at my clear blue ceiling. Tears already rolling down, in a matter of minutes I was sobbing loudly. Why couldn't hide my feelings today? Why were the tears rolling? What was this lump at the end of my throat.

The guys outside my room- I think heard because they quickly opined the door, all came in a crowded way.

"Tris, you okay? We found you in your parents room like a lifeless body and you had tear stains at the corner of your eyes" Mitch was the first to bombard me with questions then he noticed how I was crying. "You heard?" he gulped his brows creased in concern and he was frowning deeply. I nodded sniffling but the tears didn't want to stop. 

Alex went to the other side of my bed and took my hand squeezing it.

"I know this is hard Tris but before we go to the Ryder topic, what were you crying about before" He looked really worried for me but this didn't make me the slightest happy.

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