The hints explained

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Hello, my name is Esther, a.k.a. aristagirl. As you might know (and perhaps even noticed), I put this book full of symbols... For the readers in here that like symbolism:


Luci: to Lucifer (when doing research I found Satan and Lucifer are not the same, though the Bible references are sometimes still to Satan as well- my apologies for this.)
Theo: to the Greek "theos", meaning "god"
Idio: Greek, meaning "the same"
Domari: to the Icelandic "dómari", meaning "judge"
Myrsky: Finnish, meaning "storm"
Angelo: Italian, meaning "angel"
Leyki: to the Russian "legkiy", meaning "light"
Waso: toki pona, meaning "bird"
Fenna: Dutch name that means "fair" or "brave defender" 
Rana: Latin, meaning "frog" (has no symbolic meaning)

Some actions or words from especially Theo and Luci can also be found in some way in the Bible. To name a few:

Chapter IV: 
Theo makes Myrsky sleep, later in the book he also makes other people sleep. (As He works, man shall rest)
Waso not feeling at home in all the water (a reference to the Great Flood and the first bird returning, because there was still water everywhere) 

Chapter VI: 
Luci not allowed into Theo's room (Lucifer banished from heaven)

Chapter XVII: 
"No, Luci." Timo said, and he turned to me. "Burn him."  (This reference to the devil's work in hell is awfully clear)

Chapter XVIII: 
Theo destroying Idio (Can be interpreted as a cryptic reference to Sodom and Gomorrah, or to God not accepting the worshipping of other gods next to Him)

Chapter XXI: 
Theo made an enormous plan (God's Plan- please do NOT take this reference too literally)

Chapter XXIII: 
Both Theo and Luci look like angels (Lucifer was a fallen angel), later in the book Luci loses her wings. 

Chapter XXVII:
The times: 6:12 (Ephesians 6:12)  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 
6:22 (Matthew 6:22-23) The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

Chapter XXX: 
Theo reveals that he is the father of all Shinelings (like God is the father of the humans)

I also used a little science in this book:

The powers Litho, Hydro, Atmo and Bio - as a reference to the four spheres of Earth: lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. 
The allele for having these powers is recessive. 

I hate when things I used in a story are incorrect XD 

I hope you enjoy reading the book again with this new perspective- if it was good enough to read again, that is. 

Thank you very much for having a look at my symbol obsession and have a great day!

PS: Because of the names I connected to the characters and the ending some people might think I'm evil or even a satanist. For your information: I am not satanic and do not try to promote satanism in any way. If you're still offended, I'd love to discuss it with you in a peaceful way. 

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