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I dropped to the floor and covered my left wrist with the claws I had left, in an instinctive attempt to stop the bleeding. The sweat stang crazily in the wound.

"Careful, bird boy!" the guard said. The sound of his voice sounded very distant, and I realized I was fighting to stay conscious. "I could as well split your head with this axe if you tempt me!" he continued.

"Good luck with that!" Theo yelled, and the guard began to scream. 

"Theo...!" My voice wasn't loud, but loud enough for Theo to notice. The guard stopped screaming. I heard him drop to the floor beside me. A few seconds later, I felt Theo's hand on my claws, gently moving them aside. Warmth and energy flooded into my left wrist, and I felt my claws growing back. After those were complete, the warmth spread into the rest of my body. My powers were reactivated. 

Footsteps. I heard a lot of footsteps. 

More Stormlings arrived, and jumped through the open door. 

"Come, get up." Theo said softly, and he supported me as we stood up. "Let's get back to our cell." Soft enough to be gentle, but loud enough for the Stormlings to hear. Theo was a genius.

I don't know how he managed to get himself and my shaking body through the gate, but somehow he managed to do that. He laid me down on te rocky floor. 

"Luci, I'm going to make you sleep." he said. 

"Are you sure my brain will agree with all this passing out lately?" I whispered.

"It's not dangerous." Theo said, and placed his hand on my head.

My eyes fell shut. 

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