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Hello reader,

This is Theo who writes this. After Luci chased me out of Stormpolis, I fled to the forest. There, I cried about my deeds. She could think, and you can still think, that I'm just saying that so that you won't hate me, but I'm serious about it. I've been very egoistic. I only thought about myself and my dream, and wanted to achieve it, by any means necessary. That was wrong. 

I may be the father of a race, but that doesn't make me a dictator that can decide about everyone's life and death. 

Now that Luci and Rana have finally fulfilled my dream, I should be happy. But it doesn't feel just. I've been poking around in the storyline of this world so much that it just had to happen. 

Now that Luci made clear once again that she doesn't like me, I started to figure out she wasn't the only one. I don't even like myself anymore. I'm broken and alone. 

Humans are supposed to be mortal. I'm no longer going to avoid my responsibilities. I have to pay for my sins, and that I will do in hell.


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