XXIX - Justice

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I woke up, still on the hard, rocky floor of the cell.

"I'll kill him..." I whispered.

"Isn't that a bit odd, regarding that he just saved you?" Fenna asked from under her blanket on my right side.

I glanced around. Theo wasn't here.

"Where is he anyway?" I asked. 

Fenna folded back the blanket and revealed her damaged face; it was clear that she had fought. 

"After he made you sleep, he walked back to the gate and closed it to demonstrate that he could be trusted. The Stormlings didn't like the idea of him having powers again, but they were impressed by his action. They started negotiating, but then that axe guy woke up and took revenge for Theo's brain action..."   

I sighed. "Some people..."

"I know, right." Fenna said. "Well, the axe guy came into the cell, he was out for blood- Theo's blood. So I jumped in to defend Theo. I tried to calm the Stormling down at first, but that wasn't even possible... He just turned his hands into stone and smashed right through all defense." 

I'm glad I was asleep when that happened... I wouldn't like nightmares about that fight.

"I wish," she said, "that he wouldn't have done that."

"Is that all you're saying about it?" I asked.

"Does he deserve more words?" Fenna rubbed the black spot that seemed to force her left eye shut. "All he wants is attention. I'm not planning to give him any more than necessary." She spat out a tooth, with a violent popping sound. "Never feed people's addictions."

I scratched my head. "If he does that for attention, there's something seriously wrong with him if you ask me."

"There is something seriously wrong with him, Luci!" Fenna sighed. "But it's only getting worse if everyone keeps talking about it. Now shut it, he's coming."

Indeed, the guard was coming, but not alone. Theo, without wings, came in before him, and a few Stormlings behind him. 

"Eagle and Smurf- over here!" the woman right after the guard said. 

"She means: "Luci and Fenna, can you please come over here?", but she has some trouble communicating with Shinelings in a normal way." Theo said. 

"Shut up!" she grumbled. 

Fenna and I stood up and walked to the gate. Theo opened it and let us out. 

"My name is Rana." the woman said. "I'm in control over this prison after this over here (she pointed at the guard) started misbehaving. It should have never happened." 

Theo rolled his eyes behind her back. I just nodded. 

"Justice is not to be done out of rage, but out of reason." Rana said. "I want you to know that he will be punished. You can do what you say that you've come for- as long as you don't use violence." She sniffed and shook some grey hair out of her face. "Emotionally I'm against this, but as I said, justice is to be done out of reason. I don't see any valid reason to punish you, as you have committed no crime at all." 

She turned to Theo. 

"Will that be enough, dad?"

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