XX - Shadow

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There were two odd things I noticed when I walked into Theo's room. The first was that Theo didn't greet me, and the second was that the lights were dimmed. They were covered in blood, which made me feel a little light-headed when I looked at it. So I looked at Theo instead, who sat on his bed as if he was a statue, looking down. 

"Theo..." I said, but found no words to form a sentence. 

"Luci." he whispered. "Can you clean the lights?"

I summoned some water to wash the blood off the lights and then let it disappear. Within a few seconds, the light was burning bright as ever again. 

Theo lifted up his head and looked at me. Traces of tears made his cheeks glitter. I sat down beside him. 

"Are you still upset about Myrsky?" I asked him. 

"Do you still have to ask?" 

"No." I said. "But "why couldn't you save her?" isn't a very good way to start a conversation." I had said it before I realized I shouldn't. 

"I don't want to talk about it." Theo said. "And certainly not with you. You'd never understand how I feel."

"Myrsky was the best friend I ever had." I said. "And you know that. If there's anyone you could talk to about her, it's me."

Theo cried. Not silently, but out loud, howling like a baby wolf that had lost its mother.

I didn't expect that, but what I expected even less was that he embraced me and buried his face in my shirt. His long black hair shook on the rhythm of his sobbing right under my face. I could smell that he hadn't washed his hair since last night. Why would he even!  

I gently rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him down a little. A little was all I got indeed. 

"You..." he wailed. "You don't even know what died last night." 

A glass. I need a glass. Is there a glass in this room? I tried to look around, but there was no glass to be seen. I created some water in my hand instead and let Theo drink it. That helped more. 

"Tell me about it, Theo." I said softly, but he shook his head. 

"You'll never understand."

"Test that at least." I said. "If you don't try to explain, I won't understand either. What do you have to lose?"

Theo took a deep breath. "The plan." he whispered. "My plan. Everything I've fought for, all my life... And Idio ruined it. Again."

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