She had loved the kiss. Loved being in Cameron's arms. She'd felt secure, protected. Needed. The entrance of Dr Raymond was like being splashed with a bucket of cold water. She didn't know what to feel. What to do.

She knew Cameron didn't mean anything by the kiss. She hoped he did but from articles she looked up in the Internet, she knew he was a playboy with a different woman every night. Surprisingly, he had not gone out with any woman in the time they'd lived together. Was he changing? Why?

Plus, aside from past examples, she had been burnt, not once but twice, by love, lust, friendship. Relationships in general. She didn't know whether she wanted to give in to the lust and other romatically-inclined feelings she had for Cameron only to eventually lose their friendship, camaraderie. She didn't know what to do.

'All right. That's long enough,' Cameron said irritatingly as he barged into the kitchen, making her jump. 'Long enough for you to digest what happened. And if you've decided  to leave, think again! We are going to talk and discuss a reasonable course of action. ' She just looked up at him, lost. 'Well?'

'I'm sorry but WHAT are you talking about?'she asked. She hoped he was talking about what she was thinking.

'We have to decide where we want to go with this relationship,'he mumbled, looking extremely uncomfortable. A smile began to creep upon her mouth. He noticed it and scowled. 'Well?'he snapped.

The fact that he'd instigated this meant that their bond was important to him. That he didn't want to lose her as much as she wanted to lose him. Theirs was a two-way relationship.

This reminded her of her previous relationship. The reason why she moved to New York in the first place. It was a one-sided relationship. Fact was, he only hooked up with her because he wanted to get to her friend, Jasmine. However, she'd thought, Jasmine, being her friend since kindergarten, would reject his advances. Would support her. Instead, they had a secret-not-so-secret relationship that apparently everyone in town knew about.

She'd been outraged, humiliated, anguished. People whom she'd grown up with, helped, had turned their backs on her. They'd even ridiculed her when she'd expressed her anger at the ''couple''. Someone had even gone soo far as to throw a cake at her.

However, those weren't enough to make her go away. The straw that broke the camel's back was her mother. When she got home, she'd found her belongings strewn across the yard. Her clothes. Her books. Her lifelong possessions. Her mother stood at the doorstep, berating her. She didn't recall everything but she did remember her saying,'Did you really think Tony would want you? When Jasmine was there. You would never be as good as her and every man will know that.'

Blinded by her rage and hurt, she'd only taken what was necessary, clothes, money-her mother hadn't gotten to those yet- and her electronics, and left town with tears streaming down her cheeks. She'd finally stopped two towns over and checked into a motel. That's when it hit her. She had no friends. She had no home. She had no one to turn to. She was totally alone.

The next morning, she'd not wanted to get up but her phone rang. It was like light in a dark and long tunnel. Amelia had called to ands her to take care of her apartment while she and her husband goes away for business. She'd taken the offer up immediately but she had explained the reason why. Amelia had been sympathetic and had even offered to stay back and help her. She'd refused and thanked her profusely for the opportunity.

With such an experience, she didn't know whether she would want to risk her heart again. Especially with such a notorious playboy as Cameron.

  - -----@@@@@---------------

Cameron watched as Sharon's smile slowly turned up and just as slowly it went down. Clearly she was thinking about something upsetting to her. When he saw her turn sad eyes on him, he knew he had to act fast.

'I know I don't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to women, but you're different. I want to be around you, I always wonder what you are doing when we're away from each other. I always look for your favourite ice cream when I'm in a store when though I don't buy it. I have never felt or done anything like this with other women-'

'Cameron,'she said with a sigh. She started to talk but stopped. She did that a few times before blurting,'Can I hug you?' He was surprised. Usually, she avoids voluntary physical contact. Well, not from him but he'd seen her literally stop and stand to the side to avoid a large group of joggers. And by large, he meant large enough to take up the whole sidewalk. It's only a maximum of 4 and she could have squeezed in between but she'd just stop. For her to ask, it must have been extremely upsetting for her.

He held his arms open and she rushed into them, burying his head against his chest. His body relaxed, knowing that he was providing comfort to the most important female in his life. He nuzzle the top of her head. 'Are you alright?'he asked.

She sighed and stepped back slightly. 'Yes and no,'she said. She moved to get out of his arms but he restrained her. She smiled up at him and snuggled at his side. 'I was just thinking about my last boyfriend. He cheated on me with my best friend. My best friend. Since, like, kindergarten. And apparently, I was the only bozo in town who didn't know until they announced their engagement. Engagement! What kind of idiot was I? That was like 6 months into my ''relationship''. I'd thought his distance was because of me. So I turned to my friend for help. And she gave me advice knowing who I was talking about. How much of a laugh they'd must have had?' As she was talking, tears started to bubble over her eyes and flow down her cheeks. He could see the hurt and betrayal, still soo fresh, in her eyes. That must've been why she'd moved to New York.

She'd stop talking and just cried. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He only held her close and wiped her cheeks occasionally. 'I know I'm not the poster child for sensitivity and faithfulness but I can assure you, that while we are in this whatever we have, I will remain true to you. I won't look at other women. I won't acknowledge other women. My eyes are always on you,'he whispered to her. She looked up and her watery gaze met his. 'And I promise to tale things slow. No rushing.'

She smiled and shook her head ruefully. 'You can't exactly promise that,'she teased. 'You have to talk to women regularly in your day-to-day living. And I can't exactly promise not to look at men either. Look what happened this afternoon.'

'Don't remind me,'he said, scowling. She laughed through her tears. The weight on his chest lightened slightly.

'All I'm saying is that we will stay true to each other and that we'll not act on the attraction,'she said. He nodded eagerly. He didn't want her to doubt him. 'I'll try not to gouge out any eyes which look at you funny.' She said that soo retiringly that he had to smile.

'And I'll try not to punch any man who try to approach you,'he offered. She smiled and have him another hug.

'Now, for dinner,'she said, humming softly. He knew he'd lost her but he was alright with that. Cooking would help help her relax.

He noticed, during her explanation, she'd not said the cheating bastard's name. And he knew it was deliberate. She knew him soo well. Well, he'd just pry it out of her on a later date and he hoped the man had good insurance. Because he'd need it by the time he was done with him.

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