girl x friend

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Ámbar was bored out of her mind. Today was her day off practice and she was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling as this was projecting a movie.

She had been dealing with her little-nothing-to-worry-about-problem a little bit better now and she sort of owed that to Emilia; she's been keeping an eye on her ever since they had that talk, she hung out at her place more and sometimes she stayed over and it was just overwhelming. Not that Ámbar was complaining, the opposite; she was delighted by it but nobody has cared this much about her and her well being and she didn't know how to handle it.

The sound of her phone removed her from her trance. It was an instagram notification; apparently Emilia posted a new photo. She was her best friend so having her notifications on wasn't weird right? she hoped it wasn't.

Emilia was all smiley with a smoothie in hand and the caption was: "Day Off😉" Ámbar though she looked cute and wondered who took the photo for obviously she was at the Jam & Roller without her.

Deciding it was useless to stay in bed all day she hopped off it, fixing her hair quickly in the mirror before heading out to the Jam & Roller.


She arrived there in a couple minutes and scanned the room trying to find Emilia and she found her in a corner of the counter where the lights were a little dim. She was about to greet her when she noticed the other girl looking at something with googly eyes that reminded her of Lunita's. She turned her head so fast to see what was that had her best friend looking like a fucking idiot.

She wished she hadn't; There was Matteo talking with some idiot of the rollaband all smiley and stupid as he always was.

- Hi -Ámbar said hoping Emilia would focus on her.

-Oh hey! -Emilia replied still looking at Matteo and Ámbar felt the urge to throw a grenade at him. -I didn't see you coming.

-Of course you didn't. -Ámbar mumbled under her breath. Fucking stupid, useless, dumbass Matteo.

-What are doing looking at Matteo like that? -she snarled and she hated herself for sounding so bitter.

-Well he's very good looking, my friend. - the word 'Friend' left a bittersweet taste in Ámbar's mouth and she wondered where the fuck that came from, but right now she loathed that stupid word. -And he is very cool.

- And my ex -Ámbar hissed, the bitterness palpable in her voice.

Emilia looked at her warily . -Would you have a problem if I liked him?

Of course I would fucking do! Matter of fact, I do right now! -she wanted to say that but how would she explain it? Did she still had feelings for Matteo? Hell no! But then why was she feeling like throwing him under a bus? Why did she felt this sudden rage then? Why?

-Whatever, I don't care. -she said dismissing the matter. -It's not my business anyway.

Ámbar saw a flash of hurt in Emilia's eyes but it was gone in a millisecond. -I gotta go. -she muttered and left Emilia there still staring at fucking Matteo.

Stupid Emilia; she came all the way here for her and this is how she receives her, and calling her 'My friend' what the fuck was that? She never did that before, and it sounded so fake and ugh why she cared about it anyway? She can stay there staring at her stupid Matteo, and marry him and have beautiful babies and...

-Ámbar... -Simon said from behind and she rolled her eyes. Unbelievable, now she has to deal with this imbecile too.

She turned around to look at him and this one smiled at her but she only felt disgusted by it. -Ámbar I want to talk to you about...

-Fuck off -she said turning on her heels and banging the door behind her with probably everyone staring at her back.


Idk where this came from but somehow i felt inspired by the season 3 trailer lol.

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