hit me with your best shot

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Ámbar just sat there drinking the smoothie Matteo gave her. He was the only one she trusted for her drink because the other three would probably spill some poison in it. Okay maybe she was overreacting but giving the dark stares Simon was shooting at her it really wasn't that far fetched.

It was all Emilia's fault; she was late and Ámbar was there rotting in that stupid table wondering if it was posible to die of boredom.

-Care if I join? -Matteo said sitting besides her.

-Aren't you supposed to be working? -she said nonchalantly finding the glass in front of her more interesting than him.

-I'm on my break -he replied and she looked at him like he had gone crazy.

-And you want to spend it with me? -she asked amused and a little flattered.

-Why not? -he shrugged

-Why not? -she was still in disbelief. -Let me see because you said we weren't friends.

-About that...

He couldn't finish his sentence because Emilia came through the door looking like she ran in a marathon.

-Shit! I'm sorry I'm late -she said breathlessly -But my stupid cousin was in detention and I had to wait for him.

-It's okay. -It really wasn't but Ámbar wasn't good at staying at mad at her for more than five minutes.

She saw Matteo raising an eyebrow. -is it?

-It is -she hissed

-Because last time I stood you up you almost gave me a concussion -he went on -She threw her skates at my face. -this was directed at Emilia who looked like she was trying to hold a laugh.

She sent him an warning glare but he just smirked. God she has forgotten how annoying he was.

-I better be leaving then -he stood up and checked his watch. -My break is over -saying that he went to attend other tables.

-I'm gonna get something to drink. -Emilia threw her backpack at the table. -I'm dehydrated. -she walked to the counter and Ámbar focused again on the interesting glass in front of her.

She was too concentrated on it till she heard some familiar screams:

-You really don't wanna make a scandal beanie boy-A voice Ámbar recognized as Emilia's said.

-You started everything-this time it was Simon who spoke.

-Really? Because i recall it wasn't me who was being a cunt the other day -Ámbar gasped at Emilia's use of such a hastily word.

-but it was you who punched me in the face! -he blurted out and the whole place went quiet.

Everything made sense now to Ámbar, the dark blue knuckles, the taking care of th trash part and her being so delighted of seeing him with his eye blacked out.

-And you would've punch me back -Emilia howled -If it wasn't for him -she pointed at Matteo who had his eyes wide open.

This was when Ámbar intervened.

-You did what? -Emilia was about to speak but realized she wasn't talking to her -You tried to hit her? -her voice was calm compared to the anger simmering inside her.

-I didn't No I ne...

-You did -Matteo stated through a clenched jaw. -You rose up your fist.

-I would have never hit her -he said directly to Ámbar -Never.

She looked at Emilia and felt a sudden urge to protect her. -Let's get out of here. -she grabbed her hand tightly and leaned her towards the door.

-Ámbar wait let me explain -he tried to stop her but Matteo stood in his way. She gave him a thankful look and took Emilia out of there.


After convincing Ámbar she was truly fine and explaining everything to her Emilia left to her house.

Ámbar was trying to process all that; she had hit him because she heard what she told her the other day in the bench, she said it was an impulse an she will never do it again but a part of Ámbar was glad she did it because he deserved it.

She heard a few knocks in the back door and went to check who it was.

-She's already asleep -Ámbar said flatly -so your little trip was in vain.

-I came for you. -Matteo said leaving Ámbar speechless for a second time in the day.

She opened the door softly trying to not make a noise to not wake anybody up. -Why?

-Just because -he said as it was the most simple thing in the world.

-Come in -he sat at the table.-Coffee? -she suggested and he nodded.

-Here -she gave him a cup and kept the other in her hands.

-I came to explain everything -he said while taking a sip.

-It's okay Emilia already explained everything to me -she told him. -And it was really nice of you sticking up for her.

-I did it because it was the right thing to do -he explained -and also because she's your friend.

She wanted to ask why but words were caught in her throat. She was confused and a part of her was hopeful that this meant they were gonna be okay again, that he would be there again.

He seemed to read her face and said: -I wanted to apologize for what I said in Cancun.

She felt her throat tightening.-Why?

-I was wrong -he muttered. -and you were right. I did fail you.

-I...-she started

-No. Let me finish. -he stopped her. -You were with me through thick and thin for 8 long years, you were there when my pet died, when my parents divorced and when I was insufferable. -this caused her to smile weakly. -But I abandoned you when you needed me the most, i got caught up in my own things and...

-her. -Ámbar said darkly.

-Yes. -he exhaled. -And when I found out she was Sol Benson the first thing that came to my mind was you and how you must be feeling. I tried to find you but you were in Mexico.

She didn't know what to say. Everything he was saying is all she has wanted to hear from him; not a love declaration because they both were too dysfunctional to work, she learned that a long time ago but she needed her friend, the one who came to pick her up to school, the one who defended her from bullies, the one she went shopping with and the one she always ran to when her godmother made her feel like shit.

She blinked the tears away -It's okay. You're here now.

Hearing that he leaned to wrap her in his arms. -and I'm not going anywhere. -he whispered in her ear and she closed her eyes. She had missed him so much.

When she opened her eyes she could swore she saw a flash of brown hair.

She smirked to herself perfectly knowing who that was.

Hi! your idiot useless lesbian can't really let mambar go. I always had the thought that they were friends before they dated and I always had wanted a platonic relationship between the two. Don't worry Ámbar is still a very gay suffering from compulsory heterosexuality lol

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