bonnie & clyde

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Ámbar had called Benicio as soon as she came up with the plan. She wanted to make sure he was good at skating or else everything will be ruined. Truth was after he left they had kept in touch and had formed a rather odd friendship. She was thankful he didn't sold her to Juliana and showed more loyalty than her old so called friends. She stopped talking to him after the whole Simon fiasco because even though they both hated each other's guts he reminded her of him and she didn't want to think of him at all. So when she told him about her plan he gladly accepted. They both had the same target.

After the big introduction of their team Ámbar went to talk to Ramiro. She needed to know what were the boy's intentions and if he was a spy sent to destroy the team from inside.

-I was surprised when I heard him call your name -she stared at the boy with her arms folded in her chest trying to intimidate him.

-I could say the same about you.
-he said nonchalantly. -thought I'd never see you again in this rink.

-So what? Did it bother you? -
she knew she was being a bit too harsh with the guy. But what was he expecting? He was friend with the enemy.

-No -he looked at her indifferently and it reminded Ámbar of herself. -I didn't mind it.

-Good -she nodded stiffly finding the conversation awkward at best and walked away hoping she wouldn't have to speak two words to the guy again.

She walked off the rink heading to the dressing room praying no one else was there. She wanted to be alone.

With the corner of her eye she saw a hand trying to grab her arm and she harshly moved herself out of his reach.

-You did this -Simon claimed furiously.

-I did what?-she taunted him smirking.

-I can't believe you -he ran a hand through his hair and then glared darkly at her. -...It's your fault that arrogant prick Benicio is here. It's all your fault. -
Ámbar just grinned and that made him more furious.

He was about to forcefully grab her when someone talked from behind:-Did I just hear my name?

Benicio positioned himself next to Ámbar and she was uncomfortable with his proximity.

-If you have something to say to me -Benicio said dryly -Say it to my face instead of Ámbar's.

She rolled her eyes -I better get going -she spoke without looking directly at Simon. -Ladies continue with your talk. -saying that she backed away rubbing her temples. Men were really insufferable.

She glanced around the rink and wondered if coming back here was really a good idea. This place didn't really remind her of good things, sure she had good memories of it after all this rink was like her second home she always ran to when she got too much problems in her house. When she was here she could be herself, she could escape.
Of course that was before she came around and ruined everything. Now this rink only reminder her of everything she lost.

She saw Emilia skating her way to her and Ámbar's lips quirkled upward. She always managed to lift her mood.

-Where did you go?

-I was looking for a bit of peace.
-Ámbar sighed. -This place is way too noisy and I have the ugliest headache.

Emilia caressed her hand and Ámbar was bothered seeing that her knuckles were still dark blue.

-Simon is such a pain in the ass.
-Benicio said approaching the girls and interrupting their moment.

Ámbar nodded and mentally cursed him for being so loud.

-Uh who's this? -he said while stopping on his tracks to check Emilia out. Suddenly Ámbar felt the urge to punch him in the face.

-I'm Emilia -she extended her hand so he could shake it but instead he kissed it and gave Emilia a look Ámbar could only describe as nasty. Ámbar felt anger boil inside her and she clenched her fists so hard she felt her nails ripping her skin. She abhorred him.

Emilia's phone started ringing and she quickly responded to it:-
Hello? Mom? Yes -she made signs with her hands and then went to talk somewhere else.

-Don't even think about it. -she said angrily gritting her teeth.

-Don't think what? -he said faking innocence and grinning. She wanted to kill him. Don't get her wrong she really didn't hate the guy but he was a total fuckboy and she didn't want Emilia anywhere near him. Period.

-Don't play dumb with me -she retorted -I won't let you mess with her.

-Jealous much? -he said jokingly but Ámbar clenched her jaw. She was seconds to kick him in the face.

-You wish. -she said coldly.

-Alright alright -he raised his hands in sign of defeat. -I won't touch your girlfriend but don't get mad at me.


-Remember we're partners in crime and we both want the same. -he gave her an accomplice smile an she couldn't help but smirk. Her anger started to vanish.

-Now you're talking -she commented and started to explain him how their plans were going to work out.

They would have lots of fun together, there was no doubt.

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