| Chapter 6, Through the Flat Trans

Start from the beginning

When I was done I turned around. Gally had gotten Dawn out of the chair but she didn't look awake. Instead she looked far away, mumbling words that didn't make sense at all.

A sudden pounding on the door made me jump. 'Open the door!'

I turned to Gally, I didn't have to say what I was thinking. He knew.
We couldn't fight them. Dawn was too weak and I could barely move my arm. I looked around, my heart beating faster in my chest.
Then I noticed a window which gave access to another hallway. I ran towards it, carefully holding my shoulder as I did. I forced the nausea back, biting my lip to keep myself awake. Gally moved towards me with Dawn under his arm.

'Why isn't she waking up?' I whispered.

He shook his head. 'They injected her with some klunk, think it needs to get out of her system.'

I looked at my best friend with concern but that concern faded when once again the guards pounded on the door. 'Open up, come out with your hands in the air!'

'Go! Go! Go!' Gally whispered.

Quickly I took a chair and slammed it against the window. It didn't give.
I groaned, my arm was getting numb. I lifted it again, with all my strength and hit the glass.
It shattered with an ear piercing sound, the shards raining down on us. I heard the guards scream and shared a pancing glare with Gally. I put the chair down by the window and climbed through it.
Gally looked at Dawn.

'Hit her,' I hissed. He looked at me with raised eyebrows. 'Do it!' I yelled.

Again there was pounding against the door and this time the table moved, they were trying to break it open.
I looked back at Gally who gave me a guilty glare as he hit Dawn in her face. She gasped, opened her eyes, breathing heavily. Her eyes slowly focused on me and she frowned.

'What's going on?' She whispered, her voice hoarse.

'No time to explain, just follow us,' I said, gesturing for her to follow me.

Again there was a hit against the door, the guards screaming to each other. My attention went back to Dawn as she climbed over the window, trying to avoid the glass but she wasn't stable on her feet yet and stumbled down on the floor. I tried to catch her with my good arm and kept her from falling into the shards.
Gally jumped out of the window, not even bothering to use the chair.
'Let's go!' He yelled, gesturing for us to follow. We didn't have to be told twice and we ran.

My shoulder was hurting and the coloured spots still danced before my eyes. Dawn was having a hard time keeping up as well, she still didn't look fully awake and was breathing heavily.
Gally ran ahead, looking around corners with the stolen gun tightly in his hand.
We ran quick, not looking over our shoulder once. Through the long halls we had studied from the controlroom, though the halls were a lot longer than they appeared to be on the cameras.

Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to keep running any longer we reached a huge iron door. I knew from watching the cameras that this door would lead us to our freedom.
I scanned all the different buttons until I found one with "open" written on it. I didn't hesitate and pushed it.
Slowly the huge door started opening. Screams from behind me took my attention and I turned around. A group of at least ten guards was walking towards us, their guns raised.

'Lisa!' I heard Gally scream and turned to him. He was already standing outside, supporting Dawn with his strong arm. 'Come on!'
I didn't hesitate and ran after him. Gun shots sounded and I heard the bullets hit the ground.
I let out a frustrated scream as we ran through the darkness.
This had to be right, we only had to move forwards and we would reach the building the Gladers were locked in. The guards were getting closer and I forced myself to keep breathing in a steady tempo. My shoulder was throbbing and tears were gathering in my eyes but I couldn't stop running.
I wouldn't stop running.

The wind was howling loudly, taking sand up from the ground. I was running with my hand before my eyes, looking through the darkness.
Finally the small building appeared and I couldn't help but to breathe out with relief.
Gally, still supporting Dawn, found the door first and kicked it in.
I followed him inside, throwing the door shut behind me. It would slow the guards down, but only for a second.
Up the stairs we went and we entered a white room, round with two doors in the wall. But what took my attention was some kind of silver screen, hanging in the air. It was barely visible, but it was there. Vibrating, almost breathing.

'That must be the Flat Trans I heard the Ratman talking about,' Dawn said, her voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

I frowned at her, confused, then nodded slowly. 'The doctors mentioned it as well. As any what it is?'

'I don't know what it does, I only heard the Gladers had to go through it.'

I shared a glare with Gally. He turned to the moving silver air and frowned at it. 'I don't like this one bit,' he groaned and I nodded. Me neither.
Suddenly there were heavy footsteps on the stairs. I turned to Gally, panic flashing through me.
'Go! Through the Flat Trans now!' Gally yelled, reaching for his gun.
'Are you nuts! I'm not leaving you here!' I yelled.
'Someone has to hold them off until that thing closes. Now go!'
'No!' I screamed.
Gally turned to me, his eyes hard as ice. 'Lisa, you're hurt and Dawn is barely standing on her feet. Go.'
'I-' I stumbled over my words, not sure what to say or do. Gally and I hadn't exactly become friends but I didn't want to leave him here either.
'Y-you'd really do that for me?' I mumbled, turning to Dawn who stared at Gally with wide eyes. 'For us?'
Gally shrugged. 'We're all still humans, right?'
I gave him a small smile but my smile faded when the door was kicked in. The guards came running inside. Gally raised his gun and started shooting. I don't know where he learned it but he didn't miss one shot.
'Go!' He yelled.
I ran towards Dawn and threw her arm over my shoulder. Together we ran towards the Flat Trans.
The guards were screaming orders at each other, the sound of bullets being fired echoed through my head. I forced myself to keep running and even as I reached the Flat Trans I didn't look back.

The Memoriam Files: Minds [EDITING] ✔Where stories live. Discover now