Chapter 30[Editing]

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Max carefully watched Doctor Brown roam around the woods and since he had two weapons with him, he decided on the knife, like a predator, he slowly crept behind him and once near, he launched at the Doctor from behind, catching him by surprise, the doctor fell down , not stopping there , he took out the knife from the Doctor's back and turned him around, only to plunge the knife in his chest, right at his heart, leaving no room of life for the doctor. He may have been Kate's father , Max thought, but he was a sick bastard that deserved what he got.

A bit of drug was inserted into Kate and she was struggling to fight it with all her might. She could feel his eyes on her, while struggling to keep herself in her right senses , she felt him near her until he was basically kneeling in front of her, where he slowly started moving his hand on her body, touching very inappropriate places, like her prayer had been answered, the music stopped, diverting his attention a bit that he he had to go change to another song. Before she could do anything, another song began and he got back to her, this time going further as to placing kisses on her skin, right on her neck, causing her to cringe each time at the feel of his lips on her.

"say the words Ezra" he murmured close to her ear.

"what?" she quietly asked.

"say the" he said through gritted teeth, his voice hard and tense, making her flinch.

She swallowed hard and squinted her eyes to see him as he took off his hoodie, her eyes widened when realization dawned on her of the man before her, it was the jenator. How had she not seen this, she did not know.

" say them or I'll have to give you seconds" he said, twirling the syringe between his fingers, taunting her further, leaving her with no choice but to comply.

"twinkle twinkle in my eye, let the sigh of breath be mine, sign of venom in my blood, hush away into the -" a sound suddenly came from the hallway, distracting them both, as he diverted his attention on the door with his brows furrowed, she took that opportunity to shove him on the floor, where the syringe fell out of his grasp, giving her an advantage when she got a hold of it, quickly plunging it in his arm, . Not wasting time, she untied herself and on shaky legs, made her escape out of the room.

The drug was taking control much faster then she thought, making her unsteady, right as she spotted a door at the end of the hallway, a sudden pull on her hair had her jerking back and causing her to almost lose her balance.

"you're not going are mine, do you hear me!" he screamed at her.

Kate's mind filled with thoughts of her friends lives, especially Nick's who were lost at the hands of the man, sudden rage filled her that she moved her head backwards against his, though not that strong but enough to have him stumble back, dragging her to the floor. She tried shaking her head off, but that time wastage worked for shade when stumbled back to her, this time straddling her and starting to strangle her.

"if I cant have you, no one else can!"' he seethed.

Thinking that she was done for, surprise filled her when he was suddenly off her, she tried focusing but the drug was getting in the way, even then, she saw that it was Max who was now fighting with him, at first it seemed Max had the upper hand but then he got his arm cut and Shade, punched the life out of him.

"Kate get out of here!" Max said in between punches, and these were the same words said by Nick , who was no more.

Max was now losing power slowly but surely and shade raised his machete , so he could finish him off, loud sounds echoed in the hallway as Shade was being shot. Max shoved him off of him and watched in shock as Kate wasted all bullets on him. Once all the bullets had been finished, the gun fell out of her hand, followed by her , which her body was too weak , luckily enough she was caught by max just in time.

Once secured in his arms, Max walked away with her, leaving the horror behind, all he ever wanted was to get to her and he did, now he could have that rest that he and Austin had talked about.

Once they were outside, slowly walking as each had been injured, Kate raised her head a bit, so she look at him, quietly saying" I've never had doubts, never will"

He kissed her forehead, knowing what she had referred to, which was the answer to his earlier question, before she went to Paradise Island.


Oh my word, the last chapter before the epilogue.

Thank you to all those who had read and those who have voted, much love for you guys.

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