Taurus (m) x scorpio (m)- of course I am!

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A/N: this is my first attempt to write a gay one shot so please forgive if it's not my best writing.

Requested by Geek_City



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Scorpios p

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Scorpios p.o.v

Now I had never had a hardcore crush, but this blue haired geek caught my eye, he was kind,cute and part of my new friend group.

I moved schools because I opened up about being into boys and got immensely bullied for it. I wasn't one to stand for bullying but it got so bad I returned home with a broken arm and covered in bruises and blood. My step dad finally told me to move schools. So here I am a couple weeks later settled with a great bunch of people, the whole school classifies us as the artsy,geek group which I'm fine with.

I was pretty happy from being put in a happy environment instead of staying in the toxic one I actually thanked my step dad for making me move schools, which was pretty weird for both of us, They all knew I was gay and didn't make fun or anything,Which was kind of surprising , when I told my closest friend he thought I was joking and then punched me because he thought this whole time I had been secretly perving on him our whole friendship. That hurt inside and outside.

"Helloooo Scorpio" a loud voice stopped my thoughts, I looked around and saw Leo the bushy haired girl waving her hand in front of me.

"What" I sigh

"I saw you looking at Taurus again" she huffed as we walked down the hall. I blushed. She was the only one I told because she seemed trustworthy.

"Yeah...I will never have a shot at him he's probably not even.." I say

"Gay?" She states, I nodded, she scoffed

"Scorpy my dear.." I rolled my eyes hating that name, she continued ignoring me

"- Taurus always acts weirder around you and has his eyes on you all the time... when you are not looking of course" she winked, I turned red.

"Well, Should I tell him I'm gay in a couple weeks?" I planned, she stopped in her walking

"WHAT?!" She yelled getting a few weird looks from passing students but she didn't care.

"Leo shhh!" I hushed and pulled her along the hallway. She laughed

"A couple weeks.." she giggled,I frowned

"Well then should I wait a couple months?" I corrected myself, she stopped laughing

"God you are so oblivious" she sighed shaking her head, I scowled

"To what"

"You'll see" she smiled sweetly and skipped into class leaving me deserted.


-time skip to end of the day-

I was walking to my art studio, that I shared with a bunch of people. Matter of fact Taurus was the one who introduced me to all the members there and new art techniques. Jeez I'm in love with this boy, anyways it's kind of am art club but not part of school and we all have a part in the studio for our own art and painting,drawing,photos ect... since I was the newest member I got the smallest space, it was in between Taurus's space and another guys space, it was big enough to space a desk and easel and some drawers of art supplies. I had no problem with it what so ever. I was welcomed to a great community and had my own art area! So much better than being cramped in my room at home.

--small time skip--

I just arrived at the studio, and putting on my apron but o got interrupted but a blue haired angel. I looked up

"Hey scorp" he smiled, I gave a small one back

"Could you make me a coffee please?" He asked, I nodded

"Yea sure, sugar?"

"Heaps please" he laughed softly, I smiled and went to make it

When I came back and handed it to him receiving a thanks, then returning to my art space only to see a piece of ripped art paper stuck onto my easel

Meet me at the green cafe at 5:00

I smiled and looked at Taurus, he smirked an looked away.

--time skip--

I sat in the booth waiting for Taurus to come, I tapped my fingers nervously.

"Hey!" I snapped around and saw that Taurus had already been here and had grabbed us a milkshake. Only one. I blushed

"I hope you like caramel" he smiled, I nodded

"Sure do"

It seemed like he had only gotten me here to talk about my art pieces and to share a milkshake (?) I was beyond confused.

"Hey is that a fly?!" He boomed looking in the cup, I frowned and looked in it aswell and saw nothing, I then looked up to ask him what he was on about but my words were smothered by his lips. I stumbled

"Oh y-your gay?" I asked blushing madly, his cheeks tinted

"You aren't?" He squeaked, I laughed

"Of course I am"

Sorry this took so long to post I had writers block enjoy

-Grace 💕

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