Gemini (f) x leo (m) pt 2- punch after punch

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Song-pumped up kicks: foster the people

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Song-pumped up kicks: foster the people

Leo p.o.v

Me and Gemini were close, like really close. Ever since I bumped into her in the odd shop, I knew that there was something special about her... not to mention her crazy family. They practically sang hello to me when I stepped inside her house for the first time. We hit it off and grew closer and closer, and I made small little steps to get "closer" to her like:

Asking for her number
Asking her out for many "outings" (dates in my eyes)
Complementing her on practically all of her outfits
Dropping small flirty lines making her laugh and blush

Many like that, until I finally kissed her on the 13th date we had, I was scared that she wasn't gonna like it. But after she said she had been waiting for "EVER" for me to do that. I laughed remembering.

"What?" Gemini asked her light pink hair thrown into a bun looking amazing as always
I smirked

"Nothing" I replied sipping my black coffee, she huffed and took a sip of her latte, we had met every Saturday at the same time since we met for a coffee date. We got free drinks because gem worked here.

"I can see why you like this book so much" she spoke waving my copy of coffee for her in my face.

"Huh? Whys that" I grinned

"Because your an hopeless romantic and a sappy story lover" she smiled back at me

"I'm not a hopeless romantic" I frowned, but I knew she was right I had a soft spot for romantic loving stories and not to mention sad love stories that made me shed one tear.

"Psssh you know I'm right" she pushed my shoulder lightly cracking a massive grin knowing she was totally right. I rolled my eyes taking a gulp of my coffee. We sat at the window seat, gem rested her head on my shoulder as we both enjoyed our drinks. We both observed the world in front of us in silence. I noticed that out of all the people and cars that blended into each other happily, one figure stood out not in an interesting or good way, in an angry depressed way. A man head to toe in black even a mask stormed his way towards the small dainty cafe that we were sitting in...

A bad feeling crawled it's way in my stomach, Gemini lifted her head off my shoulder looking at me, almost as if reading my feeling,we both knew we didn't have good feelings about what was about to happen. The man stormed in pulling out two guns out of his coats pockets. He turned to the door and smashed the handle off, so there was no way for us to use that door.

He scanned through the cafe his sour dark eyes landing on me and gem, creating a vile feeling creep through out of our bodies, she shuddered.

"You" he said looking at me, his deep raspy voice startling me.

"Pull the damn blinds or I'll shoot your missus" he snarled pointing the gun at Gemini, I nodded quickly and went to pull the blinds down my fingers trembling, the thought of Gemini getting shot made me want to cry. As I pulled the blinds I shot a look at Virgo who was shining the number 999 at me signalling she had already called. I was filled with relief as I pulled them down leaving the small cafe dark dimly lit by a tiny lamp.

the masked man yelled,

I figured that if we just followed his orders until the cops came we would be fine. I pushed gem to the floor softly, she breathed heavily but went to the floor with me, we put our hands over our heads and stayed there as he walked over to the counter and told Virgo to give him all the money that there was.


the cops siren blasted through the cafe filling everyone with joy apart from the robber. He swore and turned to face me, his dark eyes searching mine.

"You" he said so angrily it sent chills down my spine.

"You called the cops how fu*king dare you" he said running over to me, I got ready for him to grab me but instead he picked up gem and shoved her into the wall.

"Instead of killing you I'll kill your missus, to make sure that you will never forget this day and every.single.second of your life you'll regret calling the fu*king cops" he snarled

"NO! He didn't call them I did" Virgo screamed, I shook my head at her

"Haha I'm not buying that bull sh*t" he scoffed, he turned away and aimed the gun at Gemini's head

"NO!" I yelled and everything turned into slow motion, I bounded up to him leaping onto his shoulders, the cops burst through the door their eyes widening and the loud


Of the gun that echoed in my head for years. Everything turned back to normal speed and I rammed into the guys back. Only to see Gemini in a crumpled heap her soft pink hair covered in blood, she had been shot right in the forehead.

No no no no no

"NO NO NO NO!" I screamed and began to punch and wrestle the creature that shot my perfect innocent Gemini, I didn't stop punch after punch, my rage took over that day the cops had to pull me away.

That day I took off not ever returning. No one ever knew were I went. It was like I had my very own, coffee for her story. I hated it

That was pt two and final part, hope you guys liked it 🙂
A bit sad... maybe

-grace 🌊

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