Virgo (f) x capricorn (m)-barbie

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Capricorn p.o.v

"Excuse me?" I lifted my head, squinting my eyes adjusting to the light "yes?" A girl holding a folder tightly stood in front of me. "Um could you move your in my spot.." I smirked "why should I you don't own this place" she narrowed her eyes and walked off to another desk, I rolled my eyes " another snotty barbie to hate me.." I said to myself slouching in my seat, it had always been like that me and barbies don't mix, I'm not meaning as a 'blonde,dumb popular girl' I meaning as a group of girls called the barbies. I know their as bad as they sound except their not as dumb as they sound only a couple of them are, but the leader of them all, Emma, she is the most evilest person you could ever know, she uses her 'barbies' to make herself seem popular and then she become more popular creating more people to think that if they become a 'barbie' the'll become popular, thus gaining most of the really smart,nice girls that aren't that popular to join her and then she feeds off them... well uses them for homework and doing her dirty work, yeah and she has this 'dirt' with me so practically every girl in the school hates me most likely because Emma told them some fake rumour about me. So yeah my love life is fantastic.

Recently the girl that always sits at the second row (I'm not creepy) never seemed to be interested in joining the barbies, because she's probably about the only girl in the school that says hi to me or even just smiles, apart from the non-barbies, but now she hasn't laid an eye on me an did she did it was in disgust, and her hair was now in a signature high pony tail that represents she's a barbie. I sighed in dismay, god what Emma told her about me. I shook my head and ignored the mountain of dirty looks I got. I left the class and headed outside, I figured I could ditch school one more time this week. It wasn't the best time to receive horrible looks and whispers when ever I turned my back on those girls. Just because Emma's popular the'll believe anything she says. I headed down to the gates and turned down the street. I heard a little patter of footsteps behind me, I scoffed Emma really needed to train her barbies better to follow people more quietly. I turned around, a smaller girl with strait blonde hair gasped and pathetically tried to hide herself in a nearby bush. I rolled my eyes "I know your there" I heard her curse as she stepped out crossing her arms "and you are..?" I implied "what's it to you?" She sniffed "uh a random girl is following me while I'm ditching school, I think I'm allowed to know their name" I finished, she hesitated "fine I'm Virgo" she replied bluntly, I grinned her eyes shot wide open "what are you going to do to me???" She backed away, I rolled my eyes "so I see you've heard Emma's rumours" she frowned "there not rumours there a tragic tale about how HORRIBLE you are" I shook my head "yeah all lies what exactly did she say?" She paused to think "she said that you cornered her and took her money, and then you black mailed her into hooking up with you-" I laughed I couldn't help myself "and you believe all of this bull shit?" I said still laughing "why should I believe you?" She said still frowning "well well why don't I tell you the real story?" I sat down next to the tree she still stood watching me wearily " are you gonna sit or what?" I sighed she rolled her eyes and sat about 3 feet away from me, o scoffed and talked "so me and Emma were mates and she was very rich and I wasn't, and the type of person she is she didn't think that poor people were worth her time so she used me to get into her enemies locker and prank her filling her locker with red paint" I paused to look at Virgo who had stopped eyeing me completely and was fumbling with the hem of her skirt nervously "then once I had done it, she turned me in for filling a locker with paint, she even took pictures of me doing it, and I was oblivious that she was just using me and framing me, so ever since she's made my life a misery just so I don't say anything to anyone about that-" I looked up and Virgo was staring at me looking very shell shocked, "that was me.." I frowned "what?" I asked confused "the locker you filled with paint that was mine" I looked at her shell shocked myself "she made my life horrible because I was a nerd, and I- I thought that when she offered me to become a barbie she would stop it and treat me like a friend,but now I see she only wanted me to do her dirty work..." her eyes began to water "I'm s-so sorry that.. I b-believed her..." she sighed I looked up "its fine Emma can be manipulate at times"
She smiled and stood up "let's go and eat I'm hungry" I chucked " not so keen on going g back to school" she raised an eyebrow "hell no"

Ok well that's that requested by analisej11 hope that was an ok oneshot il admit not one of my bests but still it was ok-ish? Request any you want byeeeee
-grace 👽👍🏻

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