Gemini (f) x leo (m) - coffee girl

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Gemini (f)

Gemini (f)

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Leo (m)

Song- My boy: Billy eilishGemini p

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Song- My boy: Billy eilish
Gemini p.o.v

I worked in a small coffee shop just opposite a flower shop, and sat in between a tiny lollie shop and an odd shop filled with random retro and other things. It was a small corner of the world that I absolutely adored, to bits.
It gave me refuge from the hectic  home that I lived in, with 2 twin brothers Aries  and Aquarius at the age of only 7 and then an older sister libra who was 18 and another younger brother Sagittarius 16 I was 17 and my parents busy at work as they are at home trying to juggle 5 kids who had extremely different traits and problems. They didn't really bother with me and libra since we were the eldest and more independent, so we kinda relied on each other so we were really close, compared to our relationships with our parents.

So that was my life so far, and one day a certain boy changed it in a good and bad way.

It happened, on when I had no work on a Saturday, all my friends were busy so I was just hanging out on the couch, on my phone, the twins and Saggi were out with dad having a boys day doing who knows. Libra was hanging with one of her many friends probably doing something illegal, because that's something she would do, you see us as a family we all had our secret siblings names and we were all musical

Libra the rebellious but always there for you big sister-
she played the drums and piano and could sing
Sagittarius the sporty and sarcastic but secretly caring brother
He played guitar,bass and a little trumpet and could sing
Aries the energetic loveable little mess of a brother
He was learning how to play the guitar and taking singing lessons
Aquarius the curious crazy ball of a brother
He was learning the violin and also taking singing lessons

And then me

Gemini the responsible retro,but very fun sister
I could play the saxophone and piano and could sing

Our family was very musically talented, anyways....

Libra was out so I was home alone, so I thought why not go out and buy something for everyone since it was close to Christmas

(Yes I know it just passed Halloween but I thought why not a all the stores seem to think it's Christmas so...)

I was wearing a plain white skirt and a maroon high neck sweater, I quickly smacked on some maroon lipstick and a light cover of mascara, quickly slipping my feet into my hightop white converse and grabbing my phone and wallet I left slamming the door behind me. It was a short walk till I reached the shop that I rooted for.

The odd shop that was next to my cafe that I worked in. It was called the
"spinning record"
I walked in and was instantly hit,literally by a dark clothed body. I frowned and pushed my hair out of my face to be greeted by a dazed face of a boy. He had obviously dyed purple hair, his original brown roots spiking out from his scalp, and around his nose was a nose ring the glinted in the sunlight along with his dark blue/grey eyes.He was cute, in like a weird way, a different way. He squinted then gained back his balance . He stared at me for a few seconds before murmuring

"sorry" he then moved on leaving me, weird

I carried on in the shop and picked up a few things that I thought were pretty cool for my presents. A Gerard way hesitant alien record for libra because I know how she's crazy about him and her record player, a skull guitar pick and a bag of sour eyeball lollies for Sagittarius, a pair of walkie talkies for the twins along with a ninja mask for both of them. For mum and dad I got them each a #1 parent mugs and silk sleeping gowns and for myself I snagged a pair of triangle simple earrings .

I swear this shop had everything, after I payed with practically all my saved money. I was going to go straight home but I thought why not get a coffee while I'm out. I  was to lazy to go anywhere else but the coffee place that I worked in next door, so I went there.

" hey vv" I called as I entered the busy cafe, my work mate and friend was working, she smiled

"Hey gem what can I help you with today?" She asked

"Uh can I get a pumpkin spice latte please?" I say getting out my money

"Relax gem you work here you get drinks for free" she scoffed and went away to get my drink, I sat up at the window bar and waited for my drink. Looking out the window I saw the boy that was from before in the spinning record. He was holding a single book that looks like he had just bought from the shop we had met in. His messy hair with it's brown and purple colours hung over his eyes, he shook it away and looked in the cafe locking eyes contact with me, he then cracked a crooked smile, that made me blush. He started to head inside and walked in ordering then coming sitting right next to me.

"Hey" he said dropping his book in front of him

"Hi" I say peering at his book it was called coffee for her, "what's the book about?" I ask

" a boy who works at a coffee shop and sees a girl every day till they become good friends and then lovers then he dies in a robbery and she falls into Great Depression before disappearing never to be seen again" he says so normally that it was a normal thing to talk about, I stayed quite and he smirked. We sat in silence

"I take it you've read it before?" I finally say

" yeah so much that my last copy broke, and I couldn't find it anywhere but I saw it in that weird odd shop and literally ran to it and that's when I bumped into you" he replies
I laugh thinking it was weird that I worked in this coffee shop,

"I'm Gemini" I say as our drinks come

"One pumpkin spice latte and one dark no milk or sugar coffee" v says before winking at me then leaving.

"Leo" he says grinning

Hope this was ok and not to long there will be a part two to this that might be a bit sad, if you know what's gonna happen good on you for noticing.
Requested by SolRodriguez679
-grace 🖤👽

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