Chapter 7.

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//Guys i stared writing little different from others parts and i hope u will like this more! Just so u know!//

Author's pov.

They started talking.

,,Guys what do u think about gays?" From no where asked Tasha.

Martinus chucked a little bit and try to act normal,because he don't wanna let that this turn to akward scene.

,,I don't know,I am for them,I mean it isn't their foult who they will love. Love is simply love."said marcus slowly looking at Martinus.

,,Yea I agree with marcus." said martinus slowly look at marcus.

Girls discus with them how its okay to be gay but also that is not okay to hide that someone is gay.

Dinner slowly end and boys walked them home.

,,I really had best time,thank u Marcus." said Tasha huging him slowly and give quick kiss on his Lips.

,,Ya I had best time too." said Shasa doing everything what do Tasha.

They go inside their house and boys slowly start walking to their house.

,,This was akward." say Martinus.

,,Why they even start talking about it?" said marcus confused.

,,Wait.." marcus cut him off

,,No we just kiss,they were sitting whole time."

,,I don't know, marcus I am scared, maybe they saw us.." said martinus and stopped walking.

Marcus stop walking too and hug slowly martinus. Martinus hug him back.

,,Shhh we are in this together,aren't we?" said marcus and Martinus slowly put his head up and look at Marcus perfect brown eyes.

,,We are." said Martinus and give marcus fast kiss. Marcus smiled and they start walking.

They talk about some things and laughed.

,,U know I rather be with u on date and not with them." said marcus.

,,Aww that is cute,same here. I really wanna that we have normal date,but noo,we need to go with them." said Martinus.

,,Well we still can go home pick mom's other car and go to 'drive in' and eat in car if u wanna?"

,,So u are asking me on date?"

,,Some how.."

,,I'd love to!" say Martinus and run little to their house.

He got in and fast change in something more clasual. Same do Marcus.

,,Do u think its to late?" ask Martinus while Marcus was searching for football ball.

,,No its only 21:34. I really wanna go now with u okay?"

,,Yea,okay let's go" said Martinus getting in car with Marcus and go to drive in in Mc.

They order and Marcus drive to empty football field were they was playing from little legs.

Martinus took food and Marcus ball. They put on floor food and little play football.

,,I am gonna beat u!" say Martinus yelling and running.

,,U really think u can beat your older bro?"


,,Then u are wrong!"

,,Just look at me and believe!" yell Martinus and run past Marcus.

They play football for some time until they get tierd so they sat down and drink water.

,,So who win?" ask Marcus

,,I don't know. Beside who Cares? I am happy if u win or I win I really don't care."

,,I care!" said marcus ,,Haha just kidding I love u." say he as kiss martinus.

they lied on grass. Marcus head was next to Martinus' head but marcus feet was on other side of martinus' feet's.

,,I love u. Thank u for this."

,,No problem everything for pearson who i love the most."

He kissed him long and passionate.

They enoy because this was time only for them and they wanna enoy it. They didn't care about tomorow and what is going to happend tomorow.

They only care bout boy who they kiss,Marcus aka Martinus.

HEYYOOO GUYSSS! I change little writing and i hope u like this more! So be Free to 'vote' and 'comment'!!

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