Rogue looked at Gray from the corner of his eye and grabbed the handle of the door that lead to the infirmary. He looked at Gray, his eyes stoic as usual. "We're removing the barried around the bed, to win her trust. She will be chained up though, which would be made out of your ice since it's unbreakable." He said while pushing the door softly, not opening it fully yet.

Gray squinted his eyes and nodded. He crossed his arms and looked at Rogue, eyebrow curved up. "So i need to chain her wrists to the bed? Wouldn't it be better if i chained up ankles in that matter?" He asked, making Rogue quickly nod.

"Yes, it would be better, i haven't thought of that yet. But do chain her wrists together, not too close since we do want her to move but just so she can't do anything funny" Rogue said while softly pushing open the door, glancing inside to the sleeping form of the (H/c) on the bed.

Rogue put his fingers on his lips, looking at the two men from the corner of his eye, and entering the bedroom, staying quiet not wanting to wake her up. He removed his hands from the door and walked towards the bed, looking down at her peaceful state.

Freed and Gray joined him, Freed still wary about the plan and Gray not caring whatsoever. The ice mage crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, looking down at the girl. He squinted his eyes and tilted his head. "Is she really Death's arrow?" He said softly, not wanting to wake her up.

"Yes, but you can't talk about this outside of this building" Rogue answered as Freed placed his hands on the ruines, making the purple letters appear under his hands. He took a deep breath and looked at Rogue. "So like, right now?" He whispered, earning a nod from Rogue.

Freed sighed and muttered a few things, making the purple ruins crumble down and disappear. He quickly took a step back, almost hiding behind Rogue, and watched the girl closely not wanting her to wake up and attack them.

Gray uncrossed his arms and hovered over the bed. He gently placed his hands on (Y/n)'s ankles and purple ice chains wrapped around her ankles, connecting them to the iron bars on the end of the bed. The ice wasn't cold, which was odd of course, so it didn't wake up the girl. He moved over the her hands, grabbing her wrists and wrapping his hands around it.

Right when Gray was about to create the shackles around her wrists, her eyes snapped open, her pupils small and her hand reaching to is throat. She bolted up and squeezed Gray's throat, not too hard since she still had to indentify him. Gray was a bit surprised, but stayed calm not making any wrong move whatsoever.

"(Y/n)" Rogue said sternly while walking towards the bed. He stopped at the end foot end and placed his hands on the iron bars, not breaking the eye contact with the girl.

Her pupils quickly scanned around the room, looking at Gray, Rogue and Freed, who seemed to be rather afraid and wary of her. She looked back at Gray, down at her hand and slowly removing her fingers from his throat and retreating her hand.

(Y/n) sat back and looked down at her lap, closing the shackles around her wrist herself.

"Are you sure this is a good plan?" Freed hissed as he looked at (Y/n), his eyebrow twitching at the woman's behavior.

(Y/n) adverted her eyes to Freed, slightly narrowing them while inhaling. She didn't say anything, something which Freed had expected, but her eyes spoke for themselves.

"I wouldn't endanger any of you. If I wasn't 100% sure i wouldn't have done this..Anyway, now that you have helped me please excuse us and leave the room" Rogue stated while eyeing down Freed, getting slightly irritated by the lack of trust he had in him.

Gray nodded and sighed, dugging his hands into his pockets. "Glad i could be a help.." He stated while turning around and leaving the room, letting the door open for Freed.

Freed grumbled and shook his head, putting his hand on his forehead. "This is absurd.." He muttered while taking a quick glance on the (H/c) girl and then leaving again.

The door closed and It stayed quiet for awhile. Rogue looked at the bottom of the door as his thoughts stopped.

"That man, Freed, is wiser than you are. Trusting someone who is on the rival's side is absurd" (Y/n) said with a grin as she leaned her head on her knee, eyeing down Rogue.

Rogue sighed and turned around. He walked towards the bed and took him a seat next to the bed. "It's absurd if I'd hand you to the magic council" He said while resting his hands on the iron bars, looking down at the chained up girl.

She only scoffed in response and rolled her eyes, looking at the door of the infirmary where the two man just left. "You're such a strange dragon.."

Rogue only smiled a little at her remark and nodded. "Well, can't deny that..If you already find me strange, you should meet my friend Sting. He's also a dragon sla-"

"I've heard of him. Sting Eucliffe, guild master of Sabertooth and other half of Sabertooth's twin dragons..My way of living might be other than yours, but my knowledge is not." (Y/n) said while raising her eyebrow at him. She folded her legs together and crossed her arms, looking down and closing her eyes.

"Sting's basically your sugar daddy, he's got money and a higher status and you're stuck to his side as if you're his loyal pet"

Rogue's eyebrow twitched slightly as he cleared his throat and gripped the bars tighter. "Sting is not my 'sugar daddy'..And if there's someone stuck to someone's side, it's him to mine! He's childish and can't do a lot of things himself so I'm the person taking care of his dirty work" Rogue spat out.

(Y/n) snickered and opened her eyes, looking up at the man standing in front of her. "So you're his servant" She said with a smirk.

Rogue's eyes immediately widened and he gritted his teeth. "I'm no one's servant! I belong to no one, I'm fine being an independent person who doesn't rely on anyone" He hissed, obviously getting pissed off by the thought.

Seeing that she only got more amused by the fact that he was getting irritated, Rogue sighed and regained his calm posture.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll go get your dinner.." He said while turning around and walking towards the door.

Rogue opened the door and stopped in his tracks. He held onto the door and glanced over his shoulder, to the woman sitting on the bed. "By the way, if you'll continue to behave and show that you want to try and become a better person, I'll unchain you..maybe take you outside at some point. Not in the city of course,but to the forest perhaps"

The (H/c) haired woman's head snapped up and her eyes widened slightly, quickly returning to their cold expression short after.

She looked back down at the bed and closed her eyes again. "You're a very weird human, Rogue Cheney.. You'll almost make me want to thank you" (Y/n) said with a small grin.

Rogue smiled softly and nodded.

"No problem, (Y/n)"


This chapter was a little short though, but i hope you're all satisfied.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

"The Runaway" (Rogue x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon