-Chapter 2-

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"(Y/n), Shimomura hurry up, Nagai is almost at the damn hospital!" Tosaki orders. After a month or so with Tosaki he had adopted you on as his second partner, only using you in field work and avoid trying to register you to the ministry to avoid complications such as capture. During the month of concluding a relationship with the ajin related pair you had established your strengths and abilities. Figuring out what you could do, what could hurt you and what could not. But for now you had heard obstructing news that Kei Nagai, was on his way to a prestige hospital, the same hospital in which Tosaki's compromised fiancé is being treated. As Tosaki's men order their way through the police force the three of you take the rear end entrance. 

"(Y/n) enter from the left side of the hallway, Shimomura you come with me taking the main entrance!" Tosaki's anger burns, seeping through his speech. Diverting from the pair you take a alternate route. As you come to the room, Tosaki and Shimomura enter guns drawn. Kneeling on the ground you take small knelt strides under the viewing window  towards the door. Quickly, avoiding sight you alternate and move to the opposite of the door. Leaning your weight on the wall you view into the room, a boy leaning over the incapacitated women, men in black aiming their weapons at the boy, seconds later another figure falls from the indented roof. As he lands on the ground you spring into action, speeding pass your comrades and restraining the boy, forcing him against the far wall. 

"Don't kill her!" The boy you conclude to be Kei Nagai screams. His ghost seen by you as clear as day rams his claws in the direction of the unconscious female. Only a metre away, you grasp the black ghost's arm, stopping it from performing it opposing action. Kei looks at you in surprise. 

"Don't attack her!" Coming to the conclusion that the ghost does as it is not told you grab its remaining, slim arm, kicking the beast in the core with your slim foot, vanishing into particles and dust. Looking at Kei you glare down upon him, scaring him with the sight of your black eyes. 

"Stand down now." You order matching Tosaki's signature tone. Glaring down at the boys eyes, the eyes with swift calculations backing them.

"Not until you hear me out." Nagai returns the glare.

"What do you want?" Tosaki barks, taking one precise step closer to the white drawn bed.

"You want to get to Sato right? Well I guess we have the same goal in mind, Ko and I will hand ourselves over to you, to be your immortal soldiers and help you capture Sato!" The boy you have concluded to be Ko looks at Nagai, astonished.

"What makes you think we need your help, I should put you back on that experiment table." Tosaki yells, infuriated. You take no means behind Tosaki's words that connect with your world, it was no concern to you, so you payed no mind to it.

"I've had enough of this!" You draw your fist, preparing it to engaged with Nagai's skull.

"WAIT!" Stopping your performing action just before you collide your fist with the teen boy's head.

"You want to help us get Sato? Then fine, if you pull one over on us then I promise you that you, and that boy there will be strapped down to those medical tables." Tosaki spits out, like venom. Standing behind Nagai you grasp his hands behind his back, kicking his knees from under him, landing on top of him your muscular leg engaged behind his neck. Grabbing the silver toned restraints you wrap them around Nagai's pale wrists. Shimomura performs the same restraining actions on the boy named Ko. Pulling the two boys up onto there reluctant feet, you and Shimomura escort them away leading them to the sleek white car parked secretly behind the now attention drawn hospital. Forcing the two boys in the car you sit between the pair, Tosaki in the passenger seat, Shimomura in the driver's. The rest of Tosaki's men walk through to the 'well guarded' front of the hospital. Sitting in between the conservative Kei and over reactive Ko you sign in annoyance.

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