History of the Orcs - Warlord Botaz

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Author Notes: The first signs of magic within the Armies of Light changed everything. The realisation the enemy had their own gods that guided and protected them, disillusioned many Orcs, and hardened the resolve of many others to cleanse the world of all who would not bow to Lord Sezarath.

With the defeat of Warlord Riyrok, Botaz spread his forces to the north, and south, and began his march to meet both the Goblins of Aroy'sika'lorie, and the Minotaurs.

Having suffered high losses against Riyrok, Lord Tragor retreated to the  Mountain stronghold of Bal'tier, abandoning his allies in the field. The Aroy'sika'lorie tribe left alone to face the might of the Orcish Warhorde, who blasted apart their ranks, and fed upon their warriors. The slaughter decimating much of their tribe.

Gorged on flesh, burning with hunger for glory, Warlord Botaz closed upon the fortress of Bal'tier, confident he could annihilate the remaining Minotaurs without the aid of any other WarHordes.

Besieging the stronghold, he launched an immediate assault, sending wave after wave of goblins to crash against the enemies defenses, while shamans pounded the stronghold's walls with thunder, and lightning.

Covering their advance forward, the Unblooded, and Orc shields moved in to pepper the walls with their crossbows, followed by the Iron Skins who lead the second wave of the assault, when a blinding light stole across the battlefield, blinding the Orcish host. The Honor Blades sallying forth from the fortress to smash into ranks of the Orcs, their armor glowing with unnatural light to carve a bloody path through the stunned Orcish ranks, bows twanging from the walls above to pick apart the weakest sections of the Warhorde, the Goblins, Unblooded, and Orc Shields cut to ribbons within a matter of seconds as they tried to regain their eye sight.

Forced into a retreat, the Minotaur host poured out to join the battle, the Iron Skins toppled one after the other as the Honor Blades used their great swords to shatter bones, the Iron Skin unable to withstand the punishing blows met out by their blades.

All would have been lost, if not for the arrival of the Berserkers who quickly repelled the advancing Honor Blades, and countered the lines of advancing Honor Blades. The bloody battle between Honor Blades grinding hour upon hour as the two forces hammered against each other, one in a wild fury, the other in cold muted rage.

By day's end neither side had come out the victor, the remnants of both armies limping back to re-group.

Furious over the loss of so many, Botaz prepared to attack once more under the cover night, but when they arrived at the fortress, they found it empty of all life. It was later assumed that Lord Tragor used the brief lull in battle to withdraw back to his ships and flee.  

Taking his own life in shame, Botaz died cursing the Minotaurs for all eternity, his Warhorde ripped apart and divided among the rest of the Warhordes.

Shocked at the loss of so many warriors, the shamans learned from the survivors of how their enemy had wielded a new magic. Magic that did not come from Lord Sezarath.

Fearing what this could mean for the WarHordes, High Shaman Karsog ordered that any Orc who dared to speak of this blasphemy would be silenced, and charged all shamans to stand vigilant and weed out all those who weakened in their resolve. But this would not be the first time the WarHordes would face the magic of those who follow the Lightbearer. 

Overall Battle Statics

Orcs: 24,000 - 11,211 = 12,789

Allied Goblins: 19,000 - 16,120 = 2,880

Minotaurs: 22,451 - 9,333 = 13,118

Fae'lon: 3,002 - 2,871 = 129

Werewolves: 315 - 303 = 12

Author Notes: In the world of Coroleya there are fifteen types of Magic. Five can only be used by those innately gifted with magic. Five can only be used by those who've bound a part of their soul to the demonic forces that lie beneath the surface, and five can only be used by the followers of the Lightbearer, who grants his most devoted followers with the gift of magic. 

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