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Okay, somehow my original chapter four was deleted when I was half way done writing it - which really pissed me off so this chapter is gonna be like way shorter than my original. (Btw, don't criticize Jae's sister's name. She could be named what the hell she wants. I'm just tired of people calling her 'poop'. Like really? Its just a name, guys. I'm sure 99% of you have called someone BAE before.)





Hunter led me down the stairs while I smiled at the huge crowd. Over a few hundred people were already enjoying some cocktails.

I smiled at them while Hunter explained some rules of me being here and basically informing them of who I am.

I was firstly greeted by some adults when Hunter had left me alone then I found my way to Holly and Kyle - where I met Bae, Jae and Jules. Jules was Jae's mate and well Bae was Jae's younger sister. Bae was twenty years old, only five years younger than me and eight years younger than Hunter.

Later on around midnight was when the party had started to end and I was slightly intoxicated because of the beer and shots I had. I bid my goodbyes to Jae, who was third in command and living in the same house and to Kyle and Holly. I followed Hunter back up the stairs and watched him enter his own room.

Right when I had my hand on my handle Hunter called out, "Get a good rest."

"You too." I called back. When I closed the door, I laughed really loud because when Hunter told me to 'get a good rest' his voice was shaky and I detected uncomfortableness.

Oh, I'm already starting to love living with the powerful Alpha.

It was three in the morning when I heard it. The screams, and what it made out to be cries?

I couldn't sleep for one more second as I grabbed a cardigan from the closet and covered myself - who was wearing a thin lingerie top and extremely short shorts.

Hey, I like to be comfortable!

I started into the hallway then I turned back towards the my room, which was across from Hunter's.

It was coming from Hunter's room. could it also be...Hunter?

I knocked on the door then the sounds stopped. "Hunter?" I called out.

"Go away!" Hunter growled.

I growled back, "I was just trying to make sure you were safe, you fucking asshole!" I stomped and pulled off my cardigan attempting to go back to sleep but that's when I'm pulled back into a dark room.

Hunter's. To be exact.

He pinned me to what I guessed was his bed. It was dark so I really couldn't guess out anything much but the comfy bed I was pinned against to.

"What are you doing!" He yelled into my face.

I smirked, "Well, I was going to ask you the same thing Alpha."

"Don't you mock me!"

I had the force and power so I used it. With all my might in fact as I pushed him with my palm, he flew away from me in seconds.

Hunter groaned, "Nautica, you may leave."

"Gladly." I replied and found my way out. I reflected on myself later and realized what I had done. I had shown him how much strength I had and my identity would be even easier to be found out.

I kicked a chair and soon one of its leg broke off. I grumbled and jumped into bed trying to get more sleep.


It was six in the morning when I woke up and got dressed for a morning jog so my wolf would restrain herself from transforming. The urge is really big. I followed the same path Hunter showed me yesterday and started. My eyes roamed the houses then settled upon the sunrise which was beautiful.

"Nautica!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned around.

It was Jules.

I smiled her way, slightly irritated because I actually wanted a solo jog unlike last time.

"Hey." I greeted her.

"You come out for morning jogs too? Dude, that's awesome." She looked so thankful I really didn't want to be rude to a girl I only met last night.

"Uh, yeah." I said awkwardly. Then somehow, we started to jog and started a conversation from that. I learned that she was very talkative but also pretty because of her grey eyes that glowed. It was the first time I've seen a person with dark skin and bright eyes. I've come to like her because of her usage of curse words.

I really need to expand my curse dictionary.

An hour later, Jules and I arrived back home. The smell of pancakes and sausages invaded my sense of smells. But I refused to eat any. I wanted a parfait with extra granola.

Jules and I parted ways to go change. It was perfectly great that I stumbled across Hunter as I was walking up the grand staircase. He barely glanced at me as we passed each other. I don't know if he was embarrassed of last night or if he was afraid of my abilities. Either way, we didn't speak a word.
I couldn't help but stare at him though. His hair was sleek and his black and white suit made him look sharp. Too bad his personality's foul.

I decided on a pair of leather skinny jeans and a white tank top paired with a cut off sleeve biker shirt then grabbed the combat boots in the closet that was gifted to me. But when I looked into the mirror, I looked like a psycho wearing extremely thick layers in the summer.

So that's how I ended up wearing a dark blue halter dress with glittery pure white heels.
Eh, I kind of felt like dressing up today too.

"Good thing you're dressed up," Hunter says as I near the end of the stairs.

I glared at him, "Why?"

"We're going out to meet someone. To be exact, my parents."

He smirked but I fell into a black abyss.

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