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It wasn't long before the house materials were completely packed and put into the two cars. A black Range Rover and a white Mazda.

With the three wolves help, I had things done by eleven o'clock. We left behind most of the furniture, seeing that it wouldn't be needed since Hunter will provide practically everything. But it would take a few hours before we reached Hunter's house. He owned a strip of land all to himself.

That bastard.

"Nautica," Hunter called me, "Am I right?"

I nodded. It felt...weird but the slightest good feeling came. "What'd you need?" I closed the backseat after I stuffed my last box of shoes onto the ground.

"You'll be riding with me and my beta and his mate with ride their car together." Hunter says.

"Okay, fine with me." I liked to have a lot of space to my own and I liked this Range Rover. I opened my door and stepped in then Hunter did the same and rove the engine to life.

"Buckle up." Hunter smirked. His right dimple creased and it made him attractive for the time-being.

I smirked back. "Show me what this bad boy got."


"I fucking love this car!" I screamed through the acceleration of the car and the speed of the winds. We've been driving for over an hour and speeding our way to his home. Although I am still slightly paranoid by Hunter, I seem to find my comfort zone with him also.

"We've got thirty minutes left only!" Hunter screamed back. the car suddenly jerked forward and I yelped along with a hearty laugh. Hunter's muscular arms tenses whenever he changes gears and the wind flying through his dark hair is just so...

I nodded and adverted my attention to the buildings we were passing. There wasn't many cars traveling in this town than I had thought.

"What town is it again?" I asked.

"FK." He automatically rolled the windows up so we would have to stop screaming.

My eyebrows drew in together. "FK? Does that stand for something?"

"You'll find out soon." Hunter simply replied but there was an edge to his tone. His alpha was taking over again.

"You'll be in alpha mode again when we get to your place." I looked at him, "You might as well not act so nice right now, yeah?"

His golden eyes flickered to mine, stopping my breath for a second. "Fine." He growled.

Better now than later for an alpha.

There was a silence between us for the rest of the ride and I could feel the annoyance that was bouncing off of him. Though, thirty minutes later as he had said, we arrived at a humongous mansion. There were cream marble columns in front of the house with the grass so ever green as I had never seen and beautiful flowers littered the corners.

"This is it." Hunter simply said and climbed out the car and headed for the back immediately. I followed suit but before I could do anything else, he was already by my side with a box of something I hadn't remember what I packed.

"Let's meet my pack first then I'll send some of them to bring your things for you." Hunter's eyes were dark, almost pitch black and his eyebrows crinkled together.

I pressed my lips together, "I'll get a box or two while we're still out here. I told you they won't like me for being such a bitch to them." I jerked a thumb behind me and twisted on my heels.

His reaction was fast though and certainly powerful. He gripped me tightly around my right wrist. "I told you they'll get it." He growled then his eyes turned bright green.

I smiled mockingly at him, "You said this will be my home too. I'm just trying to help myself. Y'know, I could always move back to my old place or somewhere else. I don't need to stay here! This was just an offer!" I roared.

Don't get mad. Calm down Nautica. You can't here, not now, not yet or possible ever.

I fisted my hands into a ball. Blood spurted out. This situation was taken over board. An powerful alpha and a red wolf does not go together. We will always want to over power one another.

I sighed, "You know what? Fine. Get some of your little dogs to do it." I stomped away from the bipolar alpha and opened my palms. The blood was getting dry and the cuts were starting to close in from my claws.

Why hadn't he kicked me out or killed me yet?

I stomped my way to the door that was shiny red wood and waited for Hunter so I could knock. I didn't want to be rude either but if I do have to, I will be. It was like I could feel the urge to apologize because I wanted to turn around and say sincere words but I stopped myself from doing such a horrendous thing.

Hunter knocked and just a second later, Kyle and his mate Holly were standing in front of us. Of course they had gotten here earlier than us. We were too invested in the grounds.

Kyle and Holly were serious but I knew they wanted to welcome me in their arms like a real family. I mean, we will probably be one in the future too.

"Hello Alpha." Kyle bowed and moved aside as Hunter nodded. I only followed suit because I was getting tired too. It was almost two in the morning. Wolves need their sleep too.

"Where is the rest of your pack?" I whispered behind him. He was leading me up a staircase so large and long it left me in amazement. Everything in the house was either black, white or gold.

I couldn't explain how much I loved the interior and exterior. I just loved everything about the look of this house by far.

"Only my third in command, beta and I live here. There are guards around the borders and cooks and maids too." He looked ahead and didn't glance at me which I couldn't care less about.

He opened a cream door with a golden handle and led me inside. There was a gigantic king bed inside the middle with white sheets and a balcony with huge windows along the white walls. To the right, there was a bathroom twice the size of my old one. Also, there was a walk in closet filled with things already such as shoes, accessories, and clothes.

"This is your room." He dropped the box down by the ledge of the bed and turned around to look at me.

Typically, his eyes were chocolatey brown and smooth then when he caught me looking, he pried away from my gaze. "Thanks Hunter." I patted his shoulder and looked around the room for more details.

I had expected him to leave already by the time I turned around but he was watching my every move. "Did you need something?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck and sucked in his bottom lip. In that moment, I just wanted to pull his bottom lip out with my own teeth. I couldn't believe that I was having those thoughts myself.

"Uh no." He hesitated.

"Since all my clothes are in the cars, do you mind if you just lend me a t-shirt or something?" I didn't want to bother anyone tonight anymore although we did make a big fuss about the things earlier.

"Yeah. I'll go get it." He replied simply and left without another word.

It smelled nice in the room. I could definitely smell the difference between my own scent and the packs scent.

I had no intentions in getting in their personal businesses though. I was just here to live my daily life and keep my Red Howler identity a secret for as long as I could, though I don't know how living with the powerful Alpha will turn out.

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