The Rager: Part Two

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You'll never take us alive~~

I down another cup of the alcoholic substance that was put out on the counter. I haven't had that much, but I can't say the same for Gene. He isn't like, crazy drunk... just a little bit more... carefree.

He smirks, "You know what?"

"What?" I ask.

"I can tell that you're having fun." He laughs and pokes his finger at my chest.

I nod and smile. "Yeah, yeah."

A familiar face walks up. He smiles, "Hey Gene, hey Y/N."

Gene smiles. "Hey Zenix."

Zenix takes a huge gulp of his drink. "Y/N looks really pretty tonight, huh Gene?"

He nods and takes a sip as well, "Well, when does she not?"

They both laugh and I take a sip of my drink. Zenix chuckles a bit, "Wanna come chill with Damien and I?"

Gene and I both nod. We stand up to walk, but I trip over the rug and it my head on the edge of a coffee table. I groan in pain, rolling over onto my back.

Zenix erupts into a fit of laughter and Gene sighs, "I'll have to pass on your offer, Zenix. We have a lightweight here."

I glare at him and put my hand on my head. He frowns, "C'mon, let's get outta here."

I shake my head and moan. "My head hurts..."

"Well, no duh, Shortcake, you hit your head." He snickers.

I roll over onto my side. "Ugh..."

He sighs and picks me up bridal style. I groan, "Gene... stop it..."

He sits me on his motorcycle, only this time I'm in front of him and he reaches in front of me to steer.

"Just safety precautions." He whispers into my ear. He takes one last sip of his drink and throws the solo cup into the yard.

He take off and he speeds down the road. The bike is a bit unstable, but we manage to pull into my driveway without a scratch on his bike or either of us, so that's good. He lifts me up and walks me into the house. I see Aaron hop up off at couch and cross his arms.

"Gene..." He groans. "Why are you with my sister? And why are you in our house.... at 2 A.M?"

"Sorry. She hit her head and I wanted to make sure that she got home fine." He apologizes.

Aaron rolls his eyes and pulls me into a hug. I see him make an obscene gesture  towards Gene, "Thanks. Now leave."

Gene calmly walks out of the house. He winks at my as he goes, and his motorcycle's engine roars as he drives off.

Aaron scans me with his eyes, "Did he touch you?"

I shake my head. "No. He just helped me home."

"How'd you hit your head?" He asks.

I sigh. "I tripped and hit my head on a counter."

He wipes his finger on the side of my head and shows me his blood stained finger. "I think Melissa needs to come look at this."

Melissa examines my cut and cleans it. She smiles at me, "It's nothing bad. Just a small cut behind the ear."

"Good," Aaron and I say in unison.

She gives me a hug, "Does it hurt?"

"A bit," I respond. "It's just a headache."

Aaron walks off and brings back some Motrin. I take it and then take a sip of water. "Thanks, bub."

He laughs, "Glad to see that nickname stick."

I yawn, "I'm gunna go to bed. I love you guys."

"Sleep tight, Sis-Poo." Melissa jokes, bringing up my childhood nickname.

"Nighty-night, Tater-Tot." Aaron laughs.

I laugh at their cringy nicknames and walk upstairs. I flop on the bed and immediately drift into a peaceful sleep... with my normal clothes on.


I wake up the next morning and walk downstairs. I see mom and dad drinking their coffee and eating bagels, and immediately run back upstairs to get dressed. You see, mom and dad expect us to be presentable and I most certainty am not right now.

I put on a pair of black leggings, a mid-thigh length, red skirt and a black t shirt. I brush my hair and pin it up into a bun, and then brush my teeth. Then, I walk downstairs. My mom smiles at me.

"Very professional," She praises. "I'm impressed."

"Well, I did remember that you wanted us to go with you guys to that business meeting..." I smile, even though I hate meetings.

Mom sits her drink down onto the table, "Oh! That's right, dear. Y/N, be a dear and go remind Melissa and Aaron."

I nod and walk upstairs. I knock on Aaron's door first. He opens it up. He already has a pair of dress jeans and a red polo shirt on.

"Meeting bad, I know." He groans.

I laugh, "Might wanna fix your hair."

"Thanks." He smiles and runs into his bathroom.

I then go to Melissa's room and knock. She opens and, once again, is already dressed. She has her ~professional~ glasses on, instead of her contacts. She's wearing a pair of white jeans and a red blouse. Her brown hair is elegantly curled and laying over her shoulders.

"I know." She laughs, "Another corporate meeting."

I nod, "They suck, right?"

She groans, "Does it even sound exciting?"

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