Long time Coming

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"The African slave danced not for love, nor for joy, nor religious celebration [as he had done in his native African home]; he danced in answer to the whip. He danced for survival" -Emery

"Essie, you seen that big bag of lemons, I just put it here an' now it gone."

Essie looked up from the basin of sweet potatoes she was cleaning. Preparations for Founder's Celebrations were in full swing being that the big event was only a day away and everywhere was a hive of activity.

"No, one of them girls musta moved it. I ain't really paid them no mind." She answered the younger girl. "Look around good, see if ya see em"

"I'm gon ask Lueann. Thank ya Essie." Essie shook her head a little as the girl whirled off.

Essie had no idea who she was or Lueann for that matter. Massa Williams had rounded up some of the young girls in their early teens and a few around Blanche's age and sent them up to the kitchens to help work. The younger ones were over excited, happy to be away from the fields and the whip but the older ones were working her nerves. She felt as though the only person that they wanted to listen to was Mama and that was because Mama's reputation preceded her.

Essie knew why they had that attitude; the field hands and house girls had a silent feud spanning the generations. It didn't help that one of them had been messing around with Esaih while they were together. Everytime Essie passed she heard the snickers and saw the eyes rolling behind her back.

If Essie had her own way she would've sent all of them packing back to the fields so that Massa could bust their ass but she decided to give them a chance. She let Mama deal with them and felt a sense of joy every time Mama threatened to knock somebody's head off their shoulders.

"Girl, I'm bout tired of this." Blanche huffed, putting another tub of fresh dug sweet potatoes down with a bang. "Next one o' them bitches call me whitey... imma lay em flat, Es."

Essie laughed drily, amused by the usually peaceful Blanche's heated outburst.

"I been saying the same thing." Essie said, lowering her voice. "You know the tall one, with all them breasts and no ass...

Blanche cackled out and clapped a hand over her mouth.

"...she's one of the girls that dog Esaih was sneakin' around with."

Blanche's eyes opened wide, her neck wrung back.

"Yes girl, she the chief amongst the thousands." Essie snickered. "Wit her young ass, come in here thinking she better than somebody. "

"Don't nobody want Esaih eitherways, plenty better men out here." Blanche rolled her eyes.

"You got that right!" Essie agreed, her thoughts straying to a certain dark haired fellow who was probably limping about the plantation. She couldn't help the smile that came over her face.

"Speakin' of men, where Shiloh?" Blanche questioned. "This ain't no time for courtin' "

"Shi took some o' the small girls out to pick green tomatoes ta fry."

"Once our brother don't turn himself inta a tomato, we good." Blanche joked.

They laughed, fading away into silence as they worked.


Out on the empty field adjoining the Williams plantation, Gabriel was sitting on the back of a horse bored to death. He was supposed to be overseeing the woodwork boys as they put up the stalls and the stage and he felt useless just sitting around.

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