Master's Plan -Part 1

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That evening Gabriel joined his father and sister at dinner. Master Williams was a man of tradition so despite the absence of the majority of his family he insisted on the nightly dinners his wife enjoyed so much.

"Gabriel, what do you do at your job?" Lisbeth asked her brother, curious to know about his life up North.

"We manage the accounts for the city's largest traders and businesses." Gabriel explained. " Making sure everything is balanced and accounted for."

Lisbeth had no idea what he was talking about but she just nodded like she understood.

"What about courting?" She pressed, smiling mischievously at her older brother.

" You don't need to know about that." Gabriel dismissed the topic, not wanting to bring up Eleanor. "You're too young."

"Oh please Gabriel ..."Lisbeth scoffed, reminding Gabriel of his mother. "Thomas told me everything."

"What?" Gabriel blurted. "Thomas told you about Eleanor?!?"

"Nope, you just did." Lisbeth smirked. "Got you."

Gabriel shook his head, realising that he had fallen into his sister's trick.

"Now that I know her name is Eleanor..." Lisbeth continued with a smirk. "What else should I know about my sister in law?"

" That she isn't your sister in law Lizzy." Gabriel shot back.  "Not now, nor ever."

It was clear that things had ended badly between Gabriel and whoever this Eleanor was and Master Williams signalled to Lisbeth to stop her questions.

"It's alright Gabe." Mr. Williams chuckled. "There's plenty of eligible southern belles for you to choose from."

Gabriel just laughed because there was no real answer he could give his father.

"'s time for you to finish your French." Master Williams spoke, trying to discreetly shoo her from the room. "Go on upstairs and get your books.

Lisbeth obeyed as she was expected to but Gabriel could tell that she didnt want anything to do with French.

"I'll excuse myself as well." Gabriel pushed his plate back and began to fold up his napkin.

"No you stay!" Mr. Williams ordered. "I want to talk to you."

When Lisbeth said her good nights and left Williams turned his full attention on his son.

"Did you get all your work done earlier?" He asked, lightly tapping his fingers on the table.

"I did." Gabriel answered, confused as to where this was going.

"You sure?"


Master Williams rubbed his chin, smirking at his youngest son.

"Enjoyed your lunch? " he drawled.

Now Gabriel was sure there was a motive but he pretended to be unaware.

"I did and it was delicious."

Gabriel then met his fathers gaze directly. "What's the point of this?"

"You can't fool me boy." Williams chuckled. "I saw when that nigger came outta there with that plate looking the same way she brought it in."

Gabriel just shrugged.

"Came out all rumpled too." Mr. Williams added. "I know you been f***ing her since you came back"

"What?" Gabriel looked at his father as though he had lost his mind.

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