Friends with Benefits

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Prologue - Friends with Benefits

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Prologue - Friends with Benefits

Freya stared at Andy as he got ready for his gig with his band, and she was staring at his insanely hot muscles that was drying from the shower he just took after the sex they had an hour ago.

Freya was gonna get dressed after he was done. Freya had to go home so that she can get ready for her job a hour from now as a bar tender at a local bar.

"Same time, Wednesday?" Freya asked him, they usually met up every two days. Freya has gotten up and she had slipped on the dress she had on and heels. She went to the mirror in the room and fixed her messy curly hair and she knew that Andy's eyes were on her but she didn't do or say anything. She liked it when Andy stared at her the way he did. She felt incredibly sexy.

Andy and Freya had met two months ago, at one of his gigs and they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Andy had his performance makeup on and he had his long hair in a crazy yet sexy style that drove Freya crazy.

When Andy saw Freya, he was amazed at how absolutely stunning Freya was. She had her hair in beautifully done braids and she had on a black dress that showed her curves with a black choker on. She had such a beautiful smile that it made him spend all of his breaks with her and then some. They exchanged numbers and the rest was history.

"Yeah absolutely." Andy said as he stared at her beautiful through the mirror. He wanted to wrap his arms around and hold her close to him but he knew he couldn't. It was strictly sex no strings attached. He had grown to hate it but he was to loose her if he said anything about changing it.

"You look beautiful, Frey." He complimented her and she turned around and gave him a beautiful heart melting smile and he felt himself wanting to melt and beg for mercy. He scratched the back of his neck and turned away. He always did this when she gave him one of those smiles. She grabbed her purse and she kissed Andy on the lips before she left.

Andy sighed and slipped on a black band t-shirt and he fixed his hair. He grabbed his phone and gave her a text goodnight which she responded with night and a :). Which made him smile even more. He got into his car and drove to the gig.

He ignored all of the screaming fans and he went to the dressing room and let the makeup people do their thing as he laughed at the silly photos Freya sent him.

She was so silly and outrageous and he liked that the most about her. She wasn't a girl that tried to be perfect, she knew she had flaws and she didn't try to hide them.

She was always there for him. She never once faulted him for any of his flaws. She always talked him through and let him know that no one is perfect and that we should all stop trying and live life the way we want to live it.

Andy had a photo that he took of Freya as his background although she didn't know about it. He always hid his phone. He didn't know what she'll think of it.

His background on his phone:

Whenever he saw that photo, his heart would skip a beat

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Whenever he saw that photo, his heart would skip a beat. He knew he was insanely lucky that he met her. Her smile always drove him absolutely crazy.

Freya <3:

I had such a good time, can't wait for Weds!! Have a good gig! :)


Can't wait to see you again and thank you for the luck. Have a good shift at work!

Andy turned off the phone and he had one thing on his mind as he sang his soul out, and that was Freya.....

FIRST LOVE ~ ANDY BIERSACK (AU)Where stories live. Discover now