Chapter 8: Endgame

Start from the beginning

          "You mean to drink that glowing crap? Hell no! I'd rather drink bleach first." Knowing that at this moment having Marcus as her hostage had a lot of advantage to her, she proceeded to run the jagged bottle across his neck slowly. 

          "That crap you refer to transformed blithering cavemen into dynastic rulers overnight. It unveiled the secrets of the universe to their finite minds. They were mere house pets that were taught a few tricks." Ravoncroft waved his hand, the jagged bottle went flying from her hand and Marcus was jerked free of Destiny's grasp. Marcus was violently slammed against a wall. He died instantly with blood leaking from his face as his head disintegrated into white sand. Destiny stood frozen in shock. She looked at Ravoncroft and stood on guard waiting for his next move.

          "All you're doing is destroying everything that you can. You're no god Ravoncroft. You prey on humans because we can't defeat you. But you're the weak one here. You wanted a war, I'll give you one!" As her anger intensified, you could hear glass shaking, lights flickering and for some reason, the stars in the sky started getting brighter and move.

          "Humans prey on humans. That is why they remain powerless--with a few small exceptions, like you for instance. An untapped power that sits inside you that even you cannot fathom." Ravoncroft looked at Destiny with fire in his eyes and moved closer to Destiny.

          "--Those who can manipulate reality, like you,--" Destiny yelled back angrily at Ravoncroft with much anger.

          "Like a god. It is after all what and who I am. It is also who and what you are as well my dear Destiny." Ravoncroft glared at Destiny, trying to egg her on some more.

          "Then why do you need us eh? don't you understand that you're no God, you're freaking a monster?! Ravoncroft started noticing the shaking going on in the building and the sky starting to shift.

          "Didn't the late Mr. Cole tell you, a Golden Age is re-emerging? And a new order of the gods will introduce it to the mass of followers around the world and those who don't fall in line will suffer from their insolence." Ravoncroft gave a grin from ear to ear, believing he was right and she was wrong, that he was everything and Destiny, his puppet to control.

          "But the original gods have existed forever, you're just too puny minded to realize it." Destiny pleaded with Ravoncroft. But he doesn't budge down, instead, he entrenched himself even further in his resolve.

          "The gods of old never appreciated or understood man. They became subservient to the lusts of their base desires. Complacency weakened them. They lost their vision for the future; they don't deserve to rule forever. Then like the legends of myths that have been ingrained into our culture, you'd have to replace -- Ra as..." She was cut off in mid-sentence. Ravoncroft snapped and laughed in a maniacal jeer. He proceeded to walk out into the main sanctum, where Destiny proceeded to follow him. As she rounded the corner and went through a door, Ravoncroft was standing in the centre of the main sanctum, which was also the main gathering area under the pyramid-shaped roof.

          "---Supreme ruler and father of the gods, don't mind if I do. Then again, I colonized this planet and countless others, but his name is inscribed on the monuments I built! Of the eons of civilizations, Ra was real in more ways than you know. He looked at Destiny who's eyes widened as big as Buick hubcaps, and she just stood there finally realizing what was going on.

          "But how can you defeat Ra? Destiny glared back at Ravencroft knowing that he had become quite delusional.

          "I already have. It was not easy I assure you. The coup lasted for thousands of years. Majority of the war was fought in the heavens." Ravoncroft stood in the centre of the main hall he raised his hands to the ceiling representing the heavens and the whole room now goes completely dark except the faint glow of the moon shining in and what appears as a large astral projection surrounded the hall. Flashes of light and thunder surrounded her and Ravoncroft began telling the story of how things came to be. A shadow loomed over Destiny as she stood behind a Pharaoh and his queen, who were looking out at a sea of their prostrated worshippers. She turned to see the face of Ravoncroft, gazing hypnotically at her through yellowish eyes. Ravoncroft pointed at her chest, so she lowered his gaze. She saw a glowing crystal somehow to appear in the shape of a heart with the sun and moon around it, draped around her own neck. Destiny was holding the pendant in shock. She looked up to see Ravoncroft's right hand raised in the air with his staff. Miraculously, it began to glow then shapeshifted into a majestic golden Egyptian sword. In one swipe he beheaded the Pharaoh and his queen. Destiny looked out at the masses of people who are terrified by the assassination, and witnesses balls of fire raining down on them from the sky. These balls of fire rose up into horrific demons which begin slaughtering every human insight and signalled the fall of the great Egyptian civilization. Destiny watched in horror at the mass carnage that had befallen the area, but also realized she couldn't do anything to stop it. Destiny found herself staring at Ravoncroft's chest; the pendant around his neck now glowed more mysteriously. As she glanced back at the carnage, she noticed another figure standing in the middle of the masses. A woman wearing Grecian robes, with a circle of stars in the shape of a ringed crown on her head, carrying a glowing bow with an arrow resting on the drawstring as if ready to be fired. This woman had an angry look in her glowing white eyes, and when she walked the ground would sprout grass and flowers and animals would bow before her.

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