Chapter 8: Endgame

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          "Now you're getting with the program. Marcus leaned over to hand Destiny a glass of Champagne. She saw it as an opportunity to strike Marcus. Grabbed the bottle of champagne and broke it over Marcus's head. She then pressed the remaining portion of the bottle's jagged edge to Marcus's neck.

          "Take me to Ravoncroft, now! Or the last thing you will see will be your destiny flashing before your eyes". Destiny at this point became hostile and was no longer being little miss nice girl. Marcus signalled the driver to go straight to Ravoncroft's office complex. During their trip Destiny still had her makeshift weapon pressed firmly against Marcus's neck. Marcus, of course, didn't fight back and had let her keep control of the situation. As they got to the office complex, she and Marcus got out of the limo and up the building that was similar to Edmonton's city hall. Pyramid shaped of course and majestic. She forced Marcus down a hallway and stopped in front of Ravoncroft's office. The doors were opened and Destiny stood there looking around.

          "Where are the guards?" She yelled into the room to get their attention. A loud booming voice and maniacal laugh could be heard in the distance. Destiny was able to recognize it as Ravoncroft's voice which echoed in the building like that of a public address system.

          "I sent them away so you'd feel more relaxed and in your element, and not do anything foolish." Ravoncroft seemed to be one step ahead of Destiny. Destiny took Marcus back down to the main area by the grand staircase. Above you could see the night sky filled with stars and the milky way.

          "Ravoncroft, where are you? I've got your friend!" Her tone was quite strict and you can tell she was getting more and more agitated. Destiny made her way into the main council room. The majestic Egyptian paintings and statues as well as Norse ruins, and Greek busts gracing the floor and ceiling steal her attention for second at a time. Ravoncroft entered from a side hallway, where it led to the inner sanctum garbed in a black hooded robe with orange trim. He was adorned with his familial Raven, hanging by a gold chain around his neck, and carrying some sort of crux staff with the head of Thoth at the top and the eye of Ra on its head.

          "It is no small feat to maintain one's balance when the world is beneath your feet and eternity within reach." Ravoncroft mocked Destiny. She reinforced her death clutch on Marcus as he continued to let her control the situation and glanced a small smile at Ravoncroft as if signalling that he's got the situation under control with her.

          "Petty crimes do not suit you, Destiny, my dear. You're not a murderer. I know you won't harm Marcus. After all, he has also done for you." Ravoncroft took up position in front of an array of desks where his council would sit. His face smug with Destiny knowing she can't really do anything.

          "You're trying to get me to commit mass genocide?! A city is underwater, the planet is breaking apart, unexplained natural disasters are happening, I was arrested for something I didn't do and My friend is dead. People are dead!--and it's happened ever since I met you." Destiny looked at Ravoncroft in disgust.

          "You mean mass revolution. --And you never raised a finger. Now how do you explain these miracles, Destiny? You haven't even figured out what all this is about, have you?" Ravoncroft looked at Destiny taunting her with arrogance and self-righteousness.

          "Saving a life is a miracle, walking on water is a miracle, winning the lottery is a miracle,--the Edmonton Oilers winning a Stanley Cup, (Destiny pauses and chuckles), ok well that would require more than divine intervention and an act of God." She looked at Ravoncroft and tightened her grip on Marcus.

          "That too is within your grasp. But you must nurture your gift. You have that ability to change the destiny of man. But you need to harness and control the power within you first." Ravoncroft looked at Destiny and tried to hand her a glass full of the ambrosia that was served at the initial gathering but this time spiked with a little extra something.

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