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You woke up early because your first class was at 8:00 am and you had no idea where your classroom was. 

"(y/bf/n) wake up, we have to go!" 

"Im not ready..." says your friend with a sleepy voice.

"Come on! I dont even know where my first class is."

"Ughhh fine." She jumps out of bed and waddles to the bathroom.

You do your hair and dress cute because first impressions are everything and probably the professors will make you introduce yourself a hundred times since you're the new girl. 

After a few minutes your best friend is ready and you head out to the campus. 


You started looking for the classroom and it was not so hard to find. You entered and sat in the middle of the classroom. There were a few students who looked at you when you entered but then they continued in what they were doing. You started unpacking your notebook and pen when the bell rang. A herd of people entered the room and you started panicking inside but you tried to look cool. The professor entered a little later, he noticed you and said "You must be the new girl! Welcome!" Everyone was looking at you, but they were smiling, it felt welcoming. 

You answered "Thank you! Im so glad to be here." 

He waited like 10 minutes and started introducing the class. In the middle of the explanation of the course entered a group of 7 guys, they entered talking loud and laughing. The face of the professor changed to one saying "oh my god, why them again" but in a good way. He proceeded to say "Ah! welcome back bangtan boys! Move fast to your seats please." 

They started laughing harder and one of them said "Hello mister! Nice to meet you too! We're back to make your life miserable, sadly." The professor started laughing, surprisingly. They seated and the professor continued talking. After a while he remembered of my existance and he said "We have a new student in town. Present youself (y/n)". You froze but stood up, feeling anxious because you had all eyes on you. After finishing one of the seven guys said "Hello lady!", you glanced his way and smiled. They were all smiling their best smiles, by then you figured they were the popular guys from there. The professor said "Boys, don't even think about it!" They started laughing again. 

The class ended early since it was the first day. You had free time for lunch now so you went to the cafeteria to buy food when you phone rang:

From: My cherry 

Where are you bitch?!

To: My cherry 

At the cafeteria buying lunch.

From: My cherry 

How dare you?! Omw :P

After a few minutes she appeared and seated with you while you both eated. You were talking about how was your first classes when you saw the 7 guys enter the cafeteria place. They were all gorgeous, you couldn't deny it. Your friend caught you looking hipnotized and asked "So you already found a crush, huh." 

"What?! no! why you say that?!" you answered fast.

"Well you're kinda hipnotized by those 7 bonbons over there", she said with a smirk.

"Stop! Omg! No! They are just in my class, they are really goofy, pretty popular around I figured"

"That sucks, popular guys tend to be assholes."

"Yeah, kinda. But Im not here for this, Im here to study hard"

"Suuuuure" said (y/bf/n) with a suspicious voice. 

You then noticed that one of the guys was coming your way and you whispered to (y/bf/n) "Oh no..."

to what se answered excited "Oh yes! Act natural and cool, everything will be fine".

You smiled to the guy who waved, when he was near you he said "Hey! My name is Jungkook, nice to meet you"

You smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Im (y/n)"

"I know, I remember you from English class"

"You may sit if you want. This is my friend (y/bf/n)"

He looked at her and waved, she waved back.

"Im just here to tell you that one of my friends thinks your beautiful and he wants me to give you this" He then proceeded to give you a piece of paper, when you opened it, it was a phone number. You laughed and said "Wow... thanks I guess" 

"Yah, dont be like that, be happy."

"You're pretty popular around, dont you?"

"Yeah kinda, but it's not like we want it."

"Sure," you said sarcastically. 

"So are you gonna text him or what?"

You looked at where the others were and saw them goofying around, laughing and stuff. "Which one of them is it?"

He smiled and said "The one with the coconut hair, that isnt me, of course."

You laughed at that line, what?! "The one with the dimples?" 

"Yes, that one is our little Hobi."

"Well... thank you"

"Are you gonna text?"

"Yeah... sure" 

"I will know if you dont"

You laughed and said yes. He then went back to the guys. 

Your friend then laughed "Amazing! You already got a number. That was fast, Im impressed. This didn't happen in America"

"Oh shut up!" you pushed her while you looked at the paper.

Will you text him? You will decide later 

I hope you guys like this story. Sorry if you see some mistakes, I speak Spanish but Im trying my best <3

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