The Choosing of the Champions

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The crowd of pupils fell silent as Professor Dumbledore brought out the Goblet Of Fire. He bowed at the audience. Everyone's attention turned to the Goblet as it's flames suddenly changed colour to a vibrant green. A smoking, charred, small slip of paper erupted from the flames. It gently floated down into The Headmaster's outstretched hands. Gabrielle silently crossed her fingers for her sister. "The Champion of The Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic is...". He waited a lengthy pause as he unfolded the later snd read the small writing. "Fleur Delacour!" Gabrielle smiled and clapped for her sister as Fleur slowly made her way out of her seat and through the doorway on the other side of the room. The crowd fell silent a the Goblet changed colour once again. Dumbledore unfolded the paper and smiled slightly. "The champion of The Magical School of Durmstrang is... Victor Krum!" This time it want only one school cheering for the famous Quidditch player. Finally, as the cheers stopped the final slip of paper erupted out of the Goblet. The name of Cedric Diggory echoed through the hall as Dumb,endorse read it out. It was a few seconds before the stunned crowd recognised the name of Cedric Diggory. The Hufflepuff. And then, as one, all of the students, especially the Hufflepuffs started clapping for Cedric. Before it had stopped the Goblet, once again turned green. With a startled look Dumbledore reached out to catch the paper. "Harry Potter. Please make your way through the archway." Harry looked so confused, Gabrielle could could see he wasn't lying when he said he didn't put his name in. There was no cheering for Hogwarts second champion. Only whispers. As soon as Harry disappeared through the door the place went mental. The teacher's rushed to follow Harry and the students started arguing, shouting, it was overwhelming. Annalise grabbed Esme's and Gabrielle's hand and lead them through the onslaught of complaining pupils. They collapsed outside the Great Hall in a heap, landing in the path of a departing group of sneering Slytherins. "Wait till my father hears about this. Potter. If only You Know Who had of finished him off when he had the chance." Snarled a boy with pale white hair. The three girls hurried to get out of their way in time. "Don't worry Draco. We'll get him back for this." That was the last they heard as they walked off.

"Do you think he did it?" Esme asked from the bed across from Gabrielle's." Did what?" Came a muffled reply. "Put his name in the Goblet. Like everybody thinks." Esme replied, chucking a pillow onto the head of a snoring Annalise. "No. He was too startled to have done. I'm surprised Dumbledore actually went through with it though. The tournament is dangerous and if Harry didn't ask to compete then he should be allowed to pull out." Gabrielle said, looking at Esme, only to realise that she was asleep. Gabrielle sighed, closed her eyes and went to keep herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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