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The rest of the journey went smoothly until they arrived at the castle. The usual crowd of students were dismounting their hippogriffs as they silently glided down to the ground.

"Miss Florence, Richards and Delacour! Where in Merlin's name have you been?!" Shouted Professor Verlot, glaring at all of them.
"We got lost..." Said Esme, shifting nervously under her teacher's stern gaze.
"It's the cat's fault!" Said Annalise, shooting Esme a look.
"Anastasia did nothing!" Said Gabrielle "We were always here!"
Professor Verlot's face cracked into a smile at the three girl's excuses. "Well I'm impressed that you got back anyway" Smiled the Herbalist. "That was all Esme" Said Annalise, smiling at her friend "She used the advanced Droito spell", finished Annie, making Esme's face turn a deep red.

After Esme had been given ten points and they had all been given detention they hurried to the food chamber so that they didn't miss the feast. "Why did you say that it was my cat's fault?" Asked Gabrielle looking at Annalise and shaking her head. "Out of all things, why would it be Anastatia's fault?"...

The first couple of weeks passed quickly and in no time the next quidditch match between Bellefuille and Papillonlisse came upon them. Papillonlisse won their first match of the season, leaving Esme forcing Gabrielle to train with her for more and more hours a day. Gabrielle continued to excel with Elixir and she began doing year five brews, she also became quite interested in beastly creatures when Professor Wendy Mcloud introduced Thestrels. Esme had just managed to turn the desks into donkeys and had joined the school choir while Annalise was two years ahead of everyone else in their Chiromancie lessons. The three were definitely the brightest witches of their year. The rest of the year went perfectly, that was of course until a student was poisoned...

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