Le Terre animaux

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"Come on Fleur, we're gonna be late!" Called Gabrielle's father from the living room. Gabrielle was leaning against her partly-empty trunk, waiting impatiently for her sister who was fussing with her hair in the bathroom. Fleur finally came hopping down the stairs, her hair was a mess. Gabrielle's father took his daughter's hand, leading her and her trunk over to the fire pit. They took their floo powder and stepped into the black fire place, "Le Terre animaux!" shouted Monsieur Delacour. They disappeared in a roar of green flame and arrived in a wizard cafe at the local muggle zoo.
Gabrielle's sister and mother appeared behind her. Apolline lead her family over to the stone archway and explained to her youngest how to get through. Gabrielle jumped twice as her mother had told her to. She felt herself passing through the solid stone although it felt like passing through a ghost. She felt a slide form underneath her before it came to an end at a magnificent Hippogriff Training Center. School students from the age of nine to eleven were littered over the grass. Gabi's mum came up behind her and took the heavy trunk from Gabrielle. A man wearing flowing, blue robes beckoned her over. "Now I will need to know your name and age?" Said the man, looking at her expectantly. "I'm Gabrielle Delacour, sister of Fleur Delacour and a first year at Beauxbatons Academy!" Replied Gabrielle. The man (who she assumed to be a Professor) gave her a warm smile before leading a beautiful, young hippogriff over to her. "All aboard then, this guy is called Norman, he's a very sweet little fellow." Said the man. He showed her how to bow to Norman before hoisting her, her trunk and her cat onto his smooth, feathery back.

Gabrielle's family walked over to her to say final goodbyes. "Remember to write on a daily basis!" Called her dad before pulling her into another hug. "I will Dad, don't worry!" Replied Gabi. "Have a good time in Papillonlisse" said her mum, and with that she was off. A horn sounded and the hippagriffs took off, thundering along the take-off lane. Norman jumped into the air as his long wings caught the wind, beneath them the whole city of Cedarwask was lain out like a huge a toy set. There was only one thing that kept nagging at her mind, what happens if she's not sorted into Papillonlisse like the rest of the Delacours, would they be upset and angry or happy for her? She just didn't know...

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