"Yeah, I know that, Aro." I admit and he looks at me for the first time. "It is a gift, apparently, but sometimes it is a curse. I see things that I don't want to see. Terrible, evil things. I see the tragedies that people have endured. Burning villages, the deaths of loved ones, evil plots against others. It really is endless and too painful." He closes his eyes in agony, slumping against the chair.

'Throne.' Richard sniggers. "Fuck off!" I hiss at him, too caught up with Aro to give him a proper telling off. I approach Aro carefully, hoisting myself onto the arm of the...throne, wrapping an arm around him.

I'm slightly higher than him in this position and it gives him the opportunity to rest his head on my shoulder. His head flops against it before I can stop him and I'd feel guilty for pushing him off in outrage. I tense up at the weight but keep quiet.

"Where's this talk about your gift coming from? Why are you so upset about it today?" I ask in the calmest voice I can manage while irritated from him touching me. He lifts his head from my shoulder sadly and I realise he can hear what I'm thinking.

'Idiot. He knows you don't like him cuddling you, now. You've offended him.' Richard grunts with almost satisfaction. I internally facepalm. Shit. "Aro, I'm sorry, I-"
"If you are uncomfortable with me laying my head on your shoulder, you should have just said." His voice is cold, angry.

He jumps off the throne and down the steps without me, heading for the door. "Aro, wait!" I rush after him and grab his hand, slotting my fingers through is, grasping tightly. "I didn't mean to offend you. I know you're upset, keep talking. I'll listen." I promise sincerely and he sighs, leading me to the table where he sits in one of the chairs.

I don't release his hand, dithering like an idiot by his side. "When my sister died, they said it was murder. I had been rarely held by my father but a few nights before her death, he held me and I saw...images. I saw her death play out in my head, and as I realised this, it became clear that my father was planning to kill my sister. His own daughter." He explains and I go still from shock.

He looks at me sadly. "I had seen what was going to happen to her and yet I did nothing. She died by my father's hand and that was that." He looks at my hand held in his. "This gift is a curse, but it can help me see who is plotting what and against who." He concludes and I pull another chair over to him, settling into it.
"Are you saying that you've found out about a plot against you?" I ask nervously and he smiles, though it holds no humour. "Alex, people are always plotting against the Volturi, but they never suceed in overthrowing us." He says in a confident tone and I relax by a fraction.

His eyes grow hard again. "And why would you care?" He rises from his chair, glaring at me. "You may have given me the smallest of kisses earlier but that does not mean you care for me in any way!" His voice grows louder and I flinch, turning away from him.

"I like you, Aro, I'll admit and I'm sorry that you lost your sister. I did too, but it was my mother that killed her. I understand the pain." I assure and he sighs deeply. "That is why I told you about it. Because you would understand. I wanted comfort and all I could hear was you thinking about how irritated you were about me being so near you." He sounds hurt.

'Yes and that's your fault.' Richard points out and it feels like a stab to my chest. "I'm so sorry, Aro." I go to wrap my arms around him but he turns away, wrapping his arms around himself and I realise he's just as weak, just as damaged, just as small and hurt as I am from his past and that makes me feel a lot more warmly towards him.

"Please, Aro, let me help." I approach him slowly, wrapping him up in my arms, leaning him back so he rests his back against my chest. I keep him in that position as I settle back into a chair, holding him between my legs, smoothing his pale cheek with the back of my hand until he relaxes and stills.

This more open, hurt side to him is shocking yet I almost expected there was a bigger reason for his madness. His gift has shown him so many awful things that it's driven him insane with the pain of others. He's quiet in my arms, his manic smile and wide eyes forgotten as he focuses on calming himself while I continue to stroke his face.

"You'll take care of me? I have never let anyone see this side of me before." He admits and I squeeze him. "I'll take care of you." I promise, resting my cheek against his.

"I love you, Alex."
I hesitate. "Yes, Aro, I know. Give me time. Now close your eyes and calm down. I'm here."

A/N: Hey guys, what do you think of Alex comforting Aro? I think Aro opening himself up to Alex is a major breakthrough in their relationship. It'll be interesting to see if the madness they share will strengthen them or make them worse. Guess you'll have to keep reading.
Love you all,

Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now