YG: "What are you going to do with them?"

Tae: "You'll see. Now, you guys gonna help or not?"

NJ: "What's in it for us?"

Tae: "Isn't seeing Jungkook's about-to-cry face enough?"

The guys looked at each other and started snickering. They said in unison ~ "Yeah." The guys started eating, talking about random stuff until Tae asked a question~

Tae: "Jungkook says he has a girlfriend...do you think it's true?"

Jin: "I thought him and Jimin were together."

NJ: "But they're both guys."

HS: "Guys are sometimes together."

Tae: "They aren't in a relationship."

YG: "It seems possible. Have you seen the way they are always touching each other? Arms around each other, touching each other's hair, face. I even see them holding hands sometimes."

Taehyung looked up from his food at them ~ "T-they're just friends."

HS: "Hey! Maybe that's the reason Jungkook said he had a girlfriend! To hide the fact that he is in a relationship with Jimin."

NJ: "Yeah. We mess with them about being together...but it makes so much sense! They must be!"

Taehyung started feeling really irritated. ~ "Have you ever once seen them kiss? No."

HS: "They're not stupid enough to kiss at school. They wait until they are alone to do that."

The guys snickering, except Taehyung. Tae snapped and yelled ~ "Shut up!"

The guys looked over at him with shocked expression. Taehyung looked around and quickly realize his friends weren't the only ones looking at him. Everyone sitting around was too.

Tae: "I-I mean...I'm sure they are just friends."

HS: "Whoa dude...what's your problem?"

Tae: "Nothing. I just...didn't sleep good last night. I'm grumpy."

YG: "Or are you jealous?"

Taehyung grit his teeth. He hated when people said that. Between Yoongi and Jungkook saying it in one day, he was very irritated.

Tae: "I'm done with this conversation." He looked over through the big doorway and noticed Jungkook and Jimin sneaking out of the bathroom. "I have to use the restroom.." He got up huffy.

YG: "I was just kidding Tae."
JK: "Yeah, I don't know why I didn't think about going to the gym locker rooms instead. No one is ever in there on Mondays and Fridays."

JM: "Sure beats being in a bathroom.."

The two walked towards the gym, making sure to look out for teachers. Oblivious to the fact Tae was following them.

Jungkook and Jimin walked into the locker room. They sat down on a bench~

JM: "I swear...am I going to have to beat you up myself to stop you from getting in trouble??" He chuckled.

JK: "You couldn't beat me up with those tiny hands of yours."

JM: "Maybe not...but..." He started tickling Jungkook's stomach. "They can tickle you to death!"

Jungkook grabbed his stomach and pulled his legs up, laughing hard. Taehyung peeked his head around the corner as Jungkook laid down on the bench trying to block Jimin's hands with knees.

Jimin pried Jungkook's legs away so he could continue tickling him. At this point, Jimin was almost on top of him.

Taehyung glared at them feeling anger boiling up. Seeing them laughing together made him feel rage, especially with the thought in his head that maybe the guys were right about them being a relationship.

Love a Bully ᯽ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now