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Harmony pov

"I can't believe Jason had a child in the car. What was he doing in the store with the baby? Was It his? " Keisha seemed to be saying everything I was Thinking which annoyed me. I held My stomach. What was I Going to do? I'm three and a half months pregnant with Jason's baby and he might already have one that I never even knew about.

"Just take me home Keisha and keep this between us okay. Don't mind checking on me I'm not answering my phone  " without question She Did So .. Nobody was at my house which was perfect. I packed all Jason's belongings and put them in my trunk. As I drove tears began to surface. ' No Harmony don't do this ' I thought. I drove to his house that was on the beach cause I knew he rarely went there unless He was actually going to the beach. I was placing his things out on the yard when he pulled Up.

"Baby, Lemme explain " He said grabbing my arm.

"Jason let go of  me" I said , then suddenly I heard cries from the his car. immediately I  grew angry.

" Jason I hate you. I never should have loved you . After all this. Just When I was about to tell you Im pregnant!!  You Got me carrying your child you dead beat fuck. Is this what you been doing when your not with me? Huh? " I yelled with tears flowing.

Jason stood there speechless and the baby still in the backseat , crying. I got in my car, wiped my face , and called to  placed an order for Chinese to pick up on my way home. Once I got home Keisha and Breon was there..

"Look ma I made Raven stay At my house and Ion know where Zay Is. You need someone here regardless rather you  want to believe it or not " Keisha Said. After I ate ans settled for bed, she laid Breon in a portable bed she kept in the car , then snuggled under me .

Holding my stomach and ran her hand threw the top Of my Head. I swear I loved Keisha, sometimes I wish she was my man cause she know exactly what to do. At first I didn't know how I was going to make It through this night .

"Ma you smart. Don't make any stupid decisions, Talk to Him first. Don't jump to conclusions okay. Please. Do It For me and Breon " She stated , with that my mind raced with thoughts and tears came again. Keisha held me as I cried. Eventually I fell asleep in her arms.

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