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Jieun's pov
after i cleaned up myself , i walked towards my bedroom when i saw Sojung walking out of her bedroom.

i quickly ran towards her and pushed her back inside her room. "yah Jieun! what are you-"
"ssh! unnie , i have something to say."

"what is it? you scared me!" Sojung said and i chuckled. "unnie , i experienced weird things today. and it is somehow a little scary too."

"oh? jjinja? tell me about it." Sojung said and i led her to sit down on the bed. at the same time , i saw Sojung and Seongwoo's wedding picture on the wall behind their bed.

 at the same time , i saw Sojung and Seongwoo's wedding picture on the wall behind their bed

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it made me envy them since Sojung likes Seongwoo and she is now married to him. unlike me who got rejected. i brushed those thoughts off and continued telling Sojung what i wanted to say.

"didn't we eat dinner just now?" Sojung nodded and i sighed. "i got up with a scared look because i saw something."

"when Jinyoung sunbae passed me a piece of chicken , i started to see flashes of images. and these images shows the same exact way of how we were seated at the table just now. and also i saw someone who passed me a piece of chicken which is also Iinyoung sunbae in the images."

"well-" "let me continue unnie. it's not only once. i experienced it the second time. and that was when i confessed to , umm , Jinyoung sunbae."

Sojung's pov
i opened my mouth wanting to ask Jieun why she confessed Jinyoung when the guy she loves is Jihoon but then reality hit me.

Jieun had losed her memories and now she lives in her 15 year old world. during that time , she liked Jinyoung.

i faked a cheeky smile at Jieun.

"did i just hear you say confess to Jinyoung sunbae?" Jieun's cheeks started turning red and she hit my back playfully.

"unnie , i'm serious here!" Jieun said and i nodded. "ok ok. well , maybe it's just some magical thing happening? or what? i'm not god or anyone who knows everything. just brush it off girl."

Jieun looked at me with a scared look. "unnie , it wouldn't be any spirit trying to haunt me right? ah , i'm so scared."

"yah! don't talk shit." i said hitting Jieun's mouth slightly. Jieun pouted.

"okay okay. now get outta here before Seongwoo comes in and sees us. he's gonna ask alot alot of questions."

Jieun smiled and left the room. i quickly fished out my phone and tapped on Jihoon's name on my messages.

Jihoon , i have something to tell you. can i come over to your room now?

Jihoonie winkie:
nae noona. but make sure to tell Seongwoo hyung or he might misunderstand and kill me.


after texting Jihoon , i tapped on Seongwoo's name and messaged him.

Seongwoo-ah , i'm heading over to Jihoon's room to tell him something. i'll tell you later.

araseo jagi

witht that , i went to Jihoon's room.

when i reached Jihoon's room , i knocked before opening the door. i saw Jihoon sitting on the small chair near his huge window.

i went over to him and sat on the chair infront of Jihoon. "noona , what did you want to tell me?" Jihoon asked putting his phone down.

i took a deep breath and started talking.

"Jieun came and look for me just now. she told me that she is experiencing strange things appearing in her head today."

"oh? like?" Jihoon asked with one of his eyebrow up.

"like flashy images of the past. the way she described it to me seems like it's from the past."

"Sojung noona , i still don't really understand."

"well , let me tell you one example she told me. she told me that when we were sitting on the table during dinner , flashy images started coming to her mind when Jinyoung passed her a piece of chicken. that's why she got startled."

"ahh..no wonder she looked so scared." Jihoon said nodding.

"aaaand she also told me flashy images came up when Jinyoung rejected her during her confession."

"like what kind of flashy image?"

"umm , like if let's say i'm Jieun and you're Jinyoung. she said she saw the same situation in the images. i guess that was why she fainted because her midn couldn't take it."

"will i still be able to bring her to bali?" Jihoon sighed.

"i guess so? she'll probably remember more oppa. you should give it a go." i said and Jihoon nodded weakly.

"araseo. i'll tell her to come here and get her ready for the flight tomorrow."


A/N : that girl isn't Sojung but something like how i visualise Sojung. i see Sojung having bangs and all but the looks isn't her. i just thought that those pictures fit my book hehe

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