Part 12 - The secret wedding...

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Hanzo's POV

Genji and Jesse had already left my room before I changed my clothes back to something more normal to wear and walked out of my room. 

I asked some of the servants if they knew where my father was at that moment and they told me that he was in the dojo. So I went to our driver and asked if he could drive to the airport to get Amélie. He said that he will be on his way. 

I walked down to the dojo and found my father as I was told he should be. 
''Father I have to ask you something.''

''What is it Hanzo?'' 

''Is it okay that Amélie staying here for some days?'' 

''Of course, it is. Is there a reason that you're asking?''
''She texts me, and it said that she will be at the airport in an hour.''
''I see... Make sure someone gets her...''
''I will father...'' Well, I already did that, so now I just need to find mom.

Jesse's POV 

I walked down the hall with Genji.
''We have to find you some nice clothes,'' Genji said.
''I have maybe packed some nice clothes down in my bag.''
''Great, let's go and look at it,'' Genji said as we walked down to my room.

When we arrived at my room, I went through all of my pack clothes and somehow found a nice suit in my bag, that I don't really remember putting in there and I really don't remember having one.

''That's a nice one, put it on and meet me outside,'' Genji said and walked out of the room. I took the suit on and walked out to him.
''You look good Jesse. I will walk you over to our family church,'' Genji said and started to walk, ''Hanzo will probably meet you there in an hour or something like that.''
''Right'' I said and followed.

After Genji walked me to the church, he told me that he had forgotten something in his room and had to walk back after it. 

So I was left alone, at a church, on a hill. 

I walked over to look over the city, it was beautiful. 

I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder, I turn around and saw myself... 

'But that can't be true...' I thought and took a better look at him/me... 
He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat and had yellow demons eyes. 

He walked closer to me as I took steps backward, as I reach the edge I almost fall over. 

''Jesse... Remember everything...'' He said before pushing me over the edge.

I woke up, screaming... 

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