Chapter 5.5

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With a gasp your eyes shot open and darted from side to side. Sweat trickled down your temples. The haziness before your eyes slowly twisted and turned until it formed a cloudy sky. You took deep breaths to calm your raging heart.

A nightmare had terrorised your sleep. It was like going over the memory of the slaughter over and over again. Taking time to relax your muscles you shifted your attention over to Guy a few meters away. "Why has that idiot so much energy" you whispered, cringing at the thought of doing handstand push-ups this early.

Gradually you got yourself more comfortable on the grass and stretched your sore muscles. Satisfying pops filled your body with relieve.

"(y/n)! good morning!" your head snapped over to the loud man who now stood on two feet. You held a finger before your mouth with a glare going between him and the resting form of Kakashi. Guy blinked in surprise before a smile spread over his lips. He strode over to you and took a seat on the grass besides you eyeing the sizzling embers.

"We could draw a monocle like old times".

You turned to the grinning man. "I don't think the people in the fire temple will take our captain serious if he has a drawn monocle" you snickered while playfully pushing the raven.

"Nonsense, one glare and they will!" Guy smirked.

You rolled your eyes, "it didn't work with Ebisu, who had a moustache drawn on his face. The client laughed at him while he tried to uphold the don't kill the client rule" you mused, picking up a stick and poking against the blackened wood.

Guy let out a hushed laugh. "I think my rival wouldn't stoop to that level of irritation" he stated proudly.

You arched a brow with an amused smile, "He wouldn't place his irritation on the client indeed. He would smack you into the ground though".

Guy shook his head, fist held in the air, "I would gladly accept that duel!" he exclaimed.

You shook your head with a helpless chuckle, while patting his back, "weirdo".

Guy grinned down on you, "shall we?"

"I'd rather not face his fury" you mused.

Guy shrugged as he crept over to the silver haired Jonin. A smile spread across your lips as you noticed the change in Kakashi's breathing pattern. He had been awake this whole time.

Guy stopped midway and frowned, probably noticing the same.

You chuckled and rummaged though the bag of herbs, getting out a variety to serve as breakfast. You wove them quickly into a bar and threw one at Guy, who caught it easily. "This will serve as breakfast" you stated and threw another at Kakashi. His hand snapped up, catching it in mid-air. He slowly sat up and looked dubiously at the food.

"It has enough nutrients, if you are worried about that" you stated and nibbled on your own. It didn't taste the best, but it was easy and fast.

Guy grinned, "since when have you become this resourceful?"

"Since I trained with my masters" you stated, watching in amusement when the first bite had his face contorting.

Turning to Kakashi you noticed the bar already gone. "When will we arrive?" you asked, taking the last bite of the bar.

"Around 1" Kakashi said and put his backpack back on his back.

"You've never been to the fire temple?" Guy questioned, working the last bite of the bar away.

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