Chapter 5.2

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The door cracked open and your attention flickered away from the black and white world you had been looking at. Your eyes opened and watched the wall. A smile etched on your lips by seeing Kakashi putting of his shoes.

With nimble, bare feet you moved soundless over the wooden floor. "Kakashi!" you smiled broadly. His one eye glanced up, something flickering across you couldn't quite place. He stood up straight. The sight of him had more memories popping into your mind, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading through your body.

"I-" you frowned as he didn't bat another eye at you. He simply walked past you into the kitchen. With the frown still there you followed after him. "Kakashi? Welcome home?" you questioned, wondering if you had turned invisible. His eye lazily turned to you, giving you the confirmation that he did actually see you.

"Hey Kakashi" you said, your voice dimmed to a gentle whisper, "I'm sorry I left without saying anything to you". He did not even look at you now. "I know I was being childish by leaving with only giving the Hokage a note... but at that time I was really pissed that I had to do a D rank mission because of you. I could understand it if it was C or B but D? I am no child" you stated crossing your arms.

Once again he did not react to your words, instead he peered into the fridge and pulled out a can of soda.

"Kakashi. I am sorry... are you even listening to me?" your guilt was slowly replaced by irritation at the lack of reaction from the man. You'd rather have him yell, scold you for your actions. Even if it wasn't in his character to do so. It would have been better than this.

He turned on his heel to go to the living room, but the irritation had your hand moving to his shoulder and shoved him around, forcing him to look your way. His inky black eye held nothing. It was like he stared at empty space and your stomach dropped. "Kakashi, I apologised, I reflected. What more do you want me to do?"

His eye slightly narrowed. "I mean, how can I make it up. I mean... Hell I don't know what I mean. Just stop giving me the cold shoulder! Scold me! Yell at me! Anything is better than you not acknowledging my existence!" your voice rose until you were yelling at his face. His empty stare turned into a silence glare, but he made no move to go to the living room.

"I honestly am sorry for the way I acted! Do you know how difficult it is to apologise! After everything... after-" you gritted your teeth and looked down. 'After coming back from the dead. After realizing I was alone in the world with no one to depend on. After the guy who took you in tried to take your body. After trusting you even though I had no memories'.


His voice echoed between your ears and your head snapped up glaring straight into his eye. "AFTER I WENT THROUGH HELL AND BACK" you snapped, tears brimming at your eyes but never falling. Your breath faltered. His eye slightly widened at your outburst. "Have you any idea how frightening it is to know nothing?! Even your own name has to be told by your summon animal!" you were screaming now, the sound foreign to your ears, "To be taken in by people you think could help but end up betraying you?! To know only one name that isn't even yours?!"

His eyes seemed to soften as he reached out to calm you but you slapped his hand away. Your body trembling from the strain of holding back the violent sobs. The emotions that had been unconsciously building up were on the brim of pouring out. The emotions that would have brought danger to you, be it any other than Kakashi.

"(y/n) calm down" he whispered. His voice was a bit sterner than he had liked it to be. He was still mad at you.

You shook your head and took a step back. A tear rolled down and you cursed it as you rubbed your cheek. He tried to step forward, to reach you but you were out of the room within seconds. Dashing past him and through the front door.

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