Bewildered, Clara struggled to run away from the men who got a hold on her. Their strong grips made her attempt to move gone in a vain.

"You can't do this. Please let me talk to my father at least," Clara yelled.

"No, you can't until you get free from your punishment," Queen said and disappeared without waiting for her response.

"NO!" Clara shouted. Her shout echoed through the palace.

A silver moonlight creeped into the darkroom. Clara seated next to the window, gazing out. The moon was brightening so close to her. A faint wind blew past her, causing her long hair swayed back and forth. She'd clearly see a million stars glistening in the sky. Night brought her so many thoughts.

It's been a week since Clara had locked into the room. A week seemed like a year for her. Her thoughts wandered about him.It's really suffocating her, shut in a room for a week. She wanted to go out and have fun with her friends.

A soft knock on the door snapped her out of thoughts. Clara slowly rose from her chair and walked towards the door with delicate steps. She twisted out the doorknob and the door swung open with a screeching noise. Clare turned aside, offering a way for the queen to get in. She banged the door behind her once the queen joined in.

Queen was in her white gown, looking stunningly beautiful. There's a light in her presence. Her long brown hair floating as the soft breeze crossed past her.

She seated down on the bed. Unlike the other day, her face had soften. It seemed like she had regain her normal senses back. The silence in the room stifled her.

Clara was standing right beside her, looking down, not dare to break the silence. She didn't have anything to say at all. Queen had lock her in the room for more than a week and now she had come to visit as if Clara was pleased to meet her.

Queen heaved a sigh. She knew Clara was mad at her. She seldom felt sad about it. She cleared her throat to catch an attention from her.

"Why aren't you eating anything?" Queen asked.

"I'm not hungry," Clara gave an instant answer.

"Do you think you can continue like this,without eating anything? Your wings will break gradually if you skip your meal," Queen said. She's seeking her utmost to stay calm.

"I don't mind at all," Clara replied bluntly.

"Clara!" Queen raised her voice.

Queen regretted raising her voice when she noticed a look of terror in Clara's eyes. She drew a deep breath to compose herself. "You can't blame me for this. This was your doing. You chose your life to be normal,"

"I'm not angry because you locked me in here, I'm angry because you didn't let me meet my father," Clara sounded upset. "I have alot to say to him," A tear dropped from her eyes. She seemed to share everything to him, her father, who understands her well than anybody.

"I won't eat until you allow me to meet my father," She hissed while wiping tears on her pale face.

"Okay,if that's what you want. I'll inform him once he's back," Queen said.

"Where did he go?" The shock was clearly visible on her beautiful pale face.

"He went to the evil world for some reason," Queen answered, casually.

"What? Is he okay?" Panic began to build in her body and her eyes flew wide in a daze.

"Yeah, he's okay. There's nothing you to worry about," Queen replied.

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